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55 phrases of hope to bring positivity to your day

To the phrases of hope reinforce the importance of trusting that the path, no matter how challenging it may be, can lead to great learning and achievements. They are for personal reading and to be shared on WhatsApp and social networks. Reflections, positivity and doses of faith make up the texts. We selected 55 options to lift your spirits. Check out:

Phrases of hope in life

1 – Every day can be special, when we have the right dose of hope in our hearts.

2 – And may we never lack hope for better days.

3 – Hope is the flame that gives life to any dream.

4 – Always turn your face towards the sun and then the shadows will be left behind.

5 – “Hope came to tell me that there are more things in tomorrow than we can see.” (Rosi Coelho)

6 – It doesn’t matter what color the sky is. You are the one who makes the day beautiful.

7 – Believe. You have the strength to get where you want. Just want it.

8 – Dream, try, never give up. One day it will happen.

9 – As long as there is the will to fight, there will be hope of winning.

10 – There is always another chance, another friendship or another love. For every end a restart.

11 – The challenges in our lives exist to strengthen us.

12 – Listen to your hopes and not your fears.

13 – May you fill your days with what fills your heart.

14 – Everything will be fine! Believe!

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15 – “I leave sadness and bring hope in its place.” (Cassia Eller)

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16 – “As long as there is life, there is hope.” (Ecclesiastes 9:4)

17 – Hope is the light that stays on, even when life insists on throwing us into darkness.

18 – Whatever the circumstances, never allow hope to be taken away from you.

Phrases of hope and optimism

19 – Never stop believing. Be optimist! Because from one day to the next, life changes.

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20 – An optimist is someone who looks at the storm thinking about the rainbow.

21 – Never give up. The road is long, but victory is certain.

22 – Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and trust.

23 – Optimism is essential for achievement and is also the basis of courage and true progress.

24 – Optimism is faith in action.

25 – Always have hope. The best feeling in the world is knowing that there are infinite possibilities.

26 – Hope is the feeling that the things we want will happen when we least expect them.

27 – No matter how long the night is, the sun always shines again.

28 – Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.

29 – Everything happens for a reason. Keep hope in love, be patient and, in the end, life will sort itself out.

30 – Hope is a light on the path of hours.

Phrases of hope and faith

31 – Don’t let difficulties extinguish the flame of faith and hope in your heart.

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32 – When we have faith, hope becomes certainty.

33 – It is faith in God that keeps my hope alive.

34 – May hope and faith always be greater than fear.

35 – If you have a 1% chance, have 99% faith.

36 – Go firmly towards your goals, because thought creates, desire attracts and faith fulfills.

37 – May faith be the fuel for hope in a future filled with love and joy.

38 – It is on the wings of faith that hope is renewed.

39 – With faith, hope and courage, we continue…

40 – May faith and hope be the foundations of great blessings on our journey.

41 – Our faith comes from God, our hope is in God and our life is in God’s hands.

(Photo: /Disclosure)

42 – May I have wings to dream, hope to believe and faith to continue.

43 – She is all hope. It is made of faith.

44 – It is always faith that moves us when we go through trials and difficulties. Preserving hope means getting further.

45 – God transforms crying into a smile, pain into strength, weakness into faith, dreams into reality.

46 – May every step I take, I do not lack faith, hope and love.

47 – Don’t give up from one moment to the next. God can change everything.

48 – Climb the first step with faith. It is not necessary for you to see the entire staircase. Just take the first step with hope.

49 – Losing faith and hope is the first step towards defeat. In difficulties, believe, fight and dream.

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50 – We can never lose hope. God floods us with his grace, if we ask with perseverance.

51 – Have faith so that the light of hope never goes out.

52 – “He has the strange habit of having faith in life” (Milton Nascimento)

53 – God, if one day I’m about to lose hope, help me remember that your plans are bigger than my dreams.

54 – Hope and faith go hand in hand.

55 – Faith is the greatest proof of unshakable hope.

Did you like the phrases of hope? Also check out 50 messages about the importance of gratitude!

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