Home » Inspiration » 40 new cycle phrases to attract good energy – Chapéus – Blog

40 new cycle phrases to attract good energy – Chapéus – Blog

Life is made up of phases. And each of them brings joy, challenges and learning. To the new cycle phrases they are a way to help allow an opening to have the courage to move forward. We selected 40 options, which can be used for personal reading or to share on social media!

What to talk about life cycles?

How about doing a reflection exercise? Close your eyes and remember different phases of your life. Rescue both happy and complicated moments. Can you understand your personal growth process? Now try to turn this into words. Gratitude, detachment, hope and overcoming are recurring themes. It’s also worth getting inspired by our list of new cycle phrases:

1 – Understanding that life is made of cycles makes you at peace with everything that comes and everything that goes.

2 – Life is made of cycles. Enjoy each one of them and enjoy everything you learn.

3 – Cycles close and trying to avoid this will only bring more pain.

4 – Everything passes!

(Photo: Pixabay)

5 – “No one can go back and make a new start. But anyone can start over and make a new ending.” (Chico Xavier)

6 – Cycles end, others begin. That’s the magic of life.

7 – Nothing in life is static. We are constantly changing, beginning and ending cycles.

8 – Life is made up of small cycles that close in a large perfect cycle.

9 – Everything has a beginning and an end. And that goes for both good and bad things.

10 – Allow yourself to experience the new with your baggage of past experiences.

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New cycle phrases Tumblr

11 – Allow yourself to live the new! Open up to new experiences! You might be surprised!

(Photo: Pixabay)

12 – “New leaves, new flowers, in the infinite blessing of a new beginning.” (Chico Xavier)

13 – Everything has its time to begin and end. Enjoy the break between these moments.

14 – Don’t be afraid of new cycles, as they can bring incredible experiences.

15 – Be like the phoenix that, at the end of each cycle of your life, burns in flames and is reborn from the ashes.

16 – Nothing is permanent. And that can be both scary and wonderful. It just depends on your perspective.

17 – Be grateful to the universe for giving you the opportunity to live another cycle.

18 – “Understanding history is one of the many ways to break the cycle.” (Chadwick Boseman)

19 – “There is no victory or defeat in the cycle of nature: there is movement. When the human heart understands this, it becomes free. He accepts difficult moments without regret and is not fooled by moments of glory.” (Paulo Coelho)

20 – “If the sun and moon know when to leave our sight, why don’t some people follow the cycle of nature?” (Clarice Lispector)

21 – “Every limit is both a beginning and an end.” (George Eliot)

22 – “Close the door, change the record, clean the house, shake off the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are.” (Fernando Pessoa)

23 – Ending a cycle can be sad and nostalgic, but that means it was worth it.

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New life cycle phrases

24 – Whenever a river reaches the ocean, it waits to return.

25 – Understand the end of one cycle and attend to the beginning of another.

26 – Each new cycle of life requires a different version of you. Enjoy every change without fear and be truly happy.

27 – “I don’t think I know how to close cycles, put full stops. With me are always commas, quotation marks, ellipses.” (Caio Fernando Abreu)

28 – Everything passes! Life is made of cycles. There is time for everything. The pains will come to an end. Trust!

29 – “Life is a complete circle, expanding until it joins the circular movements of infinity.” (Anais Nin)

New birthday cycle phrases

30 – May this new cycle of my life bring peace, love and good health.

31 – More than completing a year of life, today I close a cycle and begin a new stage. May more experiences, happiness and learning come.

32 – Happy birthday to me! My prayer every day is that there will always be more love in my life.

33 – May life surprise me with this new spring arriving. Happy Birthday to me!

(Photo: Pixabay)

34 – Prepared to live another cycle of life, with lots of joy and hope!

35 – Celebrating a birthday is celebrating life, celebrating the best it has to offer, what it has offered us and also how strong it has made us.

36 – It was another wonderful year and today I welcome another cycle of life with open arms and a big smile on my face. Happy Birthday to me!

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37 – I am grateful for the year that has been and I am open to the new experiences of this new cycle!

38 – Happy birthday to me! Having a birthday means looking back with gratitude and forward with faith.

39 – May I have the wisdom to enjoy another year of life. Happy Birthday to me!

40 – On my birthday, I just want to maintain the strength and motivation to reach all the places I dream of.

Read more: universe phrases, rainbow phrases It is moon phrases.

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