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Moon Water: preparation, uses and secrets

In the past, spring water was used, although water from rivers, lakes and seas was also used. Many Wiccan witches insist that the water collected and used for ritual must come from a living source, such as a spring or stream, or directly collected from rain.

Some witches use crystals, sea salt, stones and minerals, which will depend exclusively on the use that will be given to Moon Water, that is, the specific intention carried by the practitioner. While some crystals amplify the power of Moonwater, you should never use them if you plan to drink it, as they can be very dangerous to your health. In addition to being unsafe, there are crystals that should not be used in water.

How to prepare Moon Water.

The container with water, having followed the previous steps, must be closed and placed somewhere where it will receive the rays of the full moon. This can be outdoors, ideally, or on an altar, but the location is less important than as much isolation as possible from artificial light sources.

The time to place the container is after sunset. Once everything is in place and your intention is set, simply leave the jar overnight in the moonlight. You must leave before dawn.

Moonwater is generally made during the full moon, but it can also be made during other lunar phases. The full moon, it is believed, will produce more charged water. The other lunar phases are usually used to carry out specific jobs.

At this point there are options to amplify the Moon Water charge, but it depends, again, on the intentions and prior knowledge of the practitioner. Some Wiccan witches imprint their intentions on the water, others chant, or simply invite the moon to infuse her energy through an affirmation. All of this is optional.

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Uses of Moon Water.

Once you have your Moon Water you can use it for all types of witchcraft. In Wicca it is mainly used by adding a few drops of Moonwater to the bathtub, or even following the medieval tradition of glamour, in this case using it to wash or rinse the hair (see: “Glamour” and other strange beauty spells).

Moon Water also serves to clean objects used in ritual, or for an energetic cleansing of spaces (see: Easy ritual to cleanse your body of negative energies)

Some Wiccan witches use Moonwater to write sigils, spells, seals and other magical symbols on doors and windows. This is done by adding Moon Water to the incense ashes.

Moonwater should not be drunk directly, except in the context of some advanced ritual that we will not mention here. However, it can be ingested by adding a few drops to tea, coffee, it can even be used for cooking and baking, as long as it is still fresh and safe to drink (see: Magical Kitchen Ingredients). In these cases, naturally, stones or crystals should not be used.

The container should never be opened in sunlight, even in a place illuminated by electric light. Ideally, Moonwater should only be in contact with candlelight (see: What type of candles should be used in each spell)

How to store Moon Water.

In the past, Moonwater was kept in any dark place, but today other, more practical options are used. The most important thing, in those cases where Moon Water will be consumed, is to label the date on which it was prepared, the lunar phase, and the astrological sign in which the moon was at that time. The latter is not strictly necessary to achieve a general effect.

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Dark, cool places are perfect for storing Moonwater. The container must be wrapped with a black cloth, without inscriptions and without any previous use. Clothing should never be worn, especially if it has been worn previously.

The refrigerator or refrigerator are valid options, but you have to take some precautions, such as leaving some space in the container so that the water can expand enough when it freezes.

Dark Moon Water.

You can repeat this entire process on the Dark Moon, that is, during the three days when the moon is not visible, to make Dark Moon Water.

While the procedure for collecting, preparing, and storing is the same, Dark Moon Water can only be used for cleansing and banishing entities in specific spaces.

Some peculiarities of Moon Water.

These procedures are so simple that, at first glance, all you have to do is put water under the moonlight to obtain Moon Water. If that were the case, all water in a natural course is Moon Water.

Moonwater has become quite popular lately, almost as if it’s the easy all-purpose potion, yet for some reason, discussions about what Moonwater makes, and what exactly it’s for, are up for debate. .

When it comes to making Moonwater, the rules are the same as for any natural magic practice: set intentions and set up.

The intention is easy to set. It is a wish, something you want to happen, or stop happening. But the configuration is a little more complex, and that complexity can increase according to the practitioner’s knowledge.

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