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What does it mean to dream about tremors?

Dream It is when, when sleeping, images or events are represented in fantasy, according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.

Although dreams are fantasy, many times what is represented can have meaning in our reality, such as dream about tremors.

Furthermore, looking for a meaning to what we dream about is nothing new, since the interpretation of dreams is an ancient science.

Although before the content of dreams was related to “divine messages”, currently the interpretation focuses more on psychoanalysis and what our unconscious has to tell us.

So looking for the meaning of a dream is nothing new, much less strange and, in fact, there are common dreams that we all have. For example, dreaming about tremors.

What does it mean to dream about tremors?

If you live in a seismic zone, you have surely experienced a shaking in your life and thus, it has been transferred to your dreams, to tell you something about yourself.

The reasons for dreaming about an earthquake can be very varied; Some may have very simple causes, but others may have more complex causes.

When we sleep, our brain remains active and during sleep, in addition to controlling breathing and other vital signs, it is responsible for sealing the moments experienced during the day and determining which ones generated impacts and which will be discarded.

So, if during the day you saw some news related to an earthquake or even experienced one, you could be prone to dreaming about one, without this meaning anything in particular.

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But if it is not your brain doing its neuronal and memory work, the meaning of dreaming about tremors often implies instability.

Dreaming that you are shaking could mean that you are going through some type of instability that you cannot control, which affects your personal life.

However, this does not have to be negative; After all, once you wake up, you will be more aware of what is causing that instability, that fear, and you can look for a way to not let it affect you.

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