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5 Meanings of the Slug in Spiritism: Spiritual Meaning at Home

There are several spiritual meanings for different animals, insects and even everyday objects, but today a reader came up who wanted to know what was the spiritual meaning of the slug in spiritismat macumbawhich represents in shamanism and still in Bible.

There isn’t a lot of information about this animal on the internet and, in fact, no articles linking it to the spirit world, but I know everything you need to know about it.

Slugs are, for most people, a bit disgusting and this is directly related to their meaning. Incidentally, they are even mentioned in the Catholic bible as being a disgusting animal and it helps a lot to know their influence in the spiritual world.

So, if you want to know all the symbology behind it, what it represents and what it can mean for people’s lives, simply check it all out below.

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What is the meaning of the slug in spiritism?

Meaning of the slug in Umbanda

Meaning of the slug in shamanism

What does slug mean in macumba?

Meaning of slug in the bible

Spiritual meaning of seeing slugs indoors: 5 messages

What does it mean when slugs appear in front of me?

What can I do when I see a slug?

Seeing a slug is a sign of what? Does it indicate bad luck?

What is the meaning of the slug in spiritism?


The slug is an animal that does not enjoy the day, because it does not tolerate or like sunlight. Furthermore, it practically melts when salt is poured over it, further aggravating its spiritual significance.

In spiritism it is only related to bad thingsfirstly because he doesn’t like light, symbol of life and joy, and secondly because he hates salt, something that gives life to plants and people.

In addition, the slug is seen as the symbol of sin, showing how the lives of sinners are, without light, without life and practically without salvation. They ignore everything life has to offer, this is because they are seen as being sinners.

Slugs ignore the light

Just the fact that they only endure the night is a terrible thing, so this makes it quite easy to reveal their meaning according to the spirit world.

They are related to evilto the liesto the sin and the things no one should do.

According to spiritism, slugs are evil beings that simply do not appreciate or enjoy life as it should be enjoyed. Furthermore, they are still linked to compulsive lying and bad and false people.

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Slugs hate salt

As described in the bible “The Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World”this means that salt is indispensable for the existence of light, happiness, harmony and a life free from all evils.

Salt is responsible for feeding all plants and, therefore, for giving life to the Earth, thus helping all other living beings of light.

The fact that slugs cannot withstand salt it is a sign that we should stay away from them Or at least try to ignore them. So, this meaning is really important for you, for your life and for your future.

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Meaning of the slug in Umbanda

The central meaning of the slug in Umbanda is negative. This is because, as it is not an animal that has a good relationship with light, the slug is closely associated with darkness.

This means that, for those who follow Umbanda, the animal does not have the protection of the orixás.

Although most Umbanda rites take place in dark environments, the truth is that the orixás are usually associated with environments of light and prosperity. Therefore, the places where the slug passes are not have to do with the good things that are preached in Umbandaa religion extremely rich in culture.

Meaning of the slug in shamanism

In shamanism, the slug relates to the negative energies of the world. In general, this animal has a rather negative meaning.

In this way, the most common thing is that there is an association with bad things and low light events. The most common thing is that the slug is seen as a heavy animal, with charged energy and vibrations that harm people.

Because of this, the best thing to do is keep slugs away from your home and your family. There is no need to kill this animal, but do everything you can to keep it away from the ones you love the most. This is something that will do you good.

What does slug mean in macumba?

In macumba, the slug is very related to the bad side of people. All people have a positive side, with the best they have to offer the world, and a negative side.

In this way, evil is part of the human essence and is present in each of us. It is up to each person, each day, to decide which version they will use to touch their lives and guide their destiny. Thus, the slug is well known for being a symbol of this more negative version of the human face.

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People can be bad because they have the ability to bring out their worst side. Just as slugs can be very dangerous, as they transmit diseases, in addition to being disgusting animals with bad energy.

Meaning of slug in the bible

The slug is not an animal that has a wide relationship with the bible. Thus, the slimy animal is not mentioned much in the holy book. But more broadly, the slug and similar animals are seen as inferior.

In this way, the bible tends to see animals like the slug as dirty and low light beings. Even though they are God’s creations, these animals should not be eaten by people and, in fact, they should be kept away from higher animals and humans.

On account of this, the view that the bible shows about the slug is not so positive and must be taken into account before any kind of action on your part in relation to that animal.

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Spiritual meaning of seeing slugs indoors: 5 messages

There is a whole relevant spiritual meaning in seeing slugs inside your home. More broadly, seeing this type of animal in your home is a sign of bad things. That’s because the slug is a low-light animal, which likes to live in darkness.

Thus, there is a great association of the slug with darkness and negative things that happen in people’s lives at all times. This type of animal tends to be frowned upon by people in general, creating a negative relationship with humans.

1) unlucky

The slug is a great bad luck symbol. So if you see a slug in your house, know there’s something wrong with you. This type of animal is dirty, has an unfriendly goo and tends to carry negative energies with it. Even though it is part of nature, the slug is seen as a little spiritualized living being.

So, when you come across a slug in front of you, know that this is proof that your near future is marked by bad luck and many problems if you touch it. Like this, keep your distance and, if necessary, remove that animal from close without touching it.

2) Personal problems

In addition to being unlucky, the slug is still known to be an animal that attracts problems into one’s personal life. Soon, this type of animal manages to make your day to day go away in an aggressive and intense way.

The problem becomes even heavier when there is direct contact between people and the slug, as this way the animal tends to pass its negative energy onto human skin. In any case, the best thing to do is to accept that the slug is not very good for people and, in this way, keep the animal away from its home and from those it loves the most.

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3) Life delay

In popular culture, especially, the slug is known to be a major life delay. In this way, people imagine that if the animal cannot even improve its quality of life, the energy it possesses cannot be good.

There is a lot of reason for this, especially considering that the slug has a similar set of judgments from many religions around the world.

Therefore, in general, the most common thing is that the slug is seen as a symbol of delay in life and the problems around it. Try to ignore this animal when you see it on the street and, if he is in your house, do your best to get him out without hurting him.

4) Nearby enemies

One of the most common messages propagated by the slug is that there are enemies near you. There are people around you who do not wish you well and, in reality, they just want your bad. The slug, with all its negative charge, can deliver this spiritual message clearly.

That’s why it’s so important not to kill the animal, but just get it out of your way when possible. After all, slugs have messages that may be important.

But again, do not touch this animal, as contact with human skin can cause an exchange of energies. And, as explained, slugs are loaded with bad energy.

5) Lies

Seeing a slug still indicates that you are living a lot of lies, being inserted into a life that is not true.

The presence of the animal, especially if it is constant, makes it clear that it is necessary to change the way it relates to the world. Lies can be a big obstacle to your happiness, as they make you unable to evolve.

Therefore, the best thing to do is try to build a life based on truths and a lot of commitment to helping the people around you. The slug can be an important messenger in this regard.

6) Slug in the bedroom

A lot of people have been wondering what it means to see a slug in the bedroom. Basically, means that the message she conveys is directed only at you. Imagine that I saw her in the kitchen, where there were more people, that message could already be for anyone present in the kitchen.

However, when the slug appears in your room it means that its message and spiritual meaning is…

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