Our! I haven’t heard the term Quebranto for a long time, but how take brokenness with phosphorus from myself? It may seem strange and difficult, but the truth is that it’s actually quite simple! So keep reading below to find out everything you need.
After all, what is breaking?
We are all made of energies and we emit and receive energy all the time, sometimes this energy exchange is not so positive and we end up accumulating a very heavy load of negative energy.
And as this a feeling of uneasiness takes over us, we start to feel bad, discouraged, it seems that an enormous sadness hit us without anything happening.
As a result, we start to yawn more, our eyes start to water and we don’t know if we are just tired or if we are going to get sick.
The olders they would say that we have brokenness, the younger ones that we have fat eyes, and still others that we are victims of envy.
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But what is breaking anyway?
How do I remove the brokenness with phosphorus or olive oil?
Am I free from getting broken again?
But what is breaking anyway?
brokenness is the result of the sum of many negative thoughts sent to youwhich can be from one person or more than one.
Just like envy or the evil eye, we are talking about the same thing, that is, a negative energy charge sent to you, sometimes without any direct intention.
So it is likely that feel unwell, tired, weak, sad, unmotivated and without any energy in your body.
In other words you have brokenness, but don’t worry it can be fixed in a few ways.
The Elevation of Thought is one of them, do not vibrate in the same vibratory range of other spirits that in general and in this case, vibrate lower.
Even if it seems difficult, make an effort to get out of this negative vibration, staying there will only make your situation worse, and may even lead to a physical illness.
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Why and how did I get broken?
You only got broken because you are vibrating negativelyyou have somehow allowed the negative energies.
Or, you are in a group of people who are very jealous of you and constantly send you an unhealthy energy of envy and greed.
Although I am not aware of it, every time I you complain, argue, fret and get angry, or brag about something you’ve accomplished, you allow these energies into your life.
Despite not noticing it at first, they are already acting on your mental and vibrational state, which used to give you pleasure now no longer, your patience seems to be tested all the time.
You feel sad, sometimes you want to cry without having a reason to, you just want to sleep and let life go by without even wanting to eat.
How do I remove the brokenness with phosphorus or olive oil?
One of the simplest and most efficient ways to get rid of brokenness is prayerbut you can add prayer and matches to get him out efficiently.
Pray, ask for help for spirituality without wishing harm to the one who sent you the brokenness or discomfort, pray for their recovery as he also needs help.
However, depending on the state you are in, you may not be able to sincerely pray to ask for help, not that prayer will not work, it always does, but we can use another method.
Some time ago it was easier to find by healers, they were generally very elderly ladies who prayed in our ailments and removed them, always with the help of a branch of rue and a glass of water.
Despite always having a healer that someone knows, we can do some rituals to get rid of brokenness on our own.
1) Removing the brokenness with phosphorus
For this ritual you will need:
A deep white plateOlive oilA box of matches, the box must not have been usedThree candles that can be white or red
Light the candles around the plate, in the center of the plate place a spoonful of oil, remove three matchsticks from the matchbox, place the rest of the sticks on the plate, just be careful not to wet them all in the oil, light the sticks that are in the plate and while they are burning repeat the prayer:
“God has redeemed you
God created you
And free you from those who looked down on you badly.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Virgin of tears, remove this brokenness”.
The ritual is now finished, simple and very efficient.
2) Removing the brokenness with olive oil
This ritual is simple and the best thing is that it can be done by yourself, just be patient.
Material you will need:
A dish of waterA bowl of oil
This prayer that I am going to pass on will need to be repeated whenever I repeat the procedure and out loud.
The healers used a single phrase in a litany format while they blessed and repeated the phrase until they finished the blessing.
“God has redeemed you
God created you
And God forbid, from those who looked badly at you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Virgin of tears, remove this brokenness”.
In the dish with the water, put three drops of olive oil, if the drops open, that is, if they do not unite, it is because you have brokenness, throw this water away and carry out the same process until the drops of olive oil are united, when this happens it is because the brokenness has been withdrawn.
Important while performing the process keep saying the prayer out loud.
Am I free from getting broken again?
No. Unfortunately, the breakdown as previously said is an accumulation of bad energies sent to us by other people.
Therefore, we will hardly be free from a new demand.
But we can take care to make it more difficult to get a breakout or an evil eye, keep your vibration as high as you can.
Think and act positively, do not get involved in intrigues, avoid conflicts that do not generate any positive results and only consume your good energies.
Furthermore, if possible avoid talking about your achievementsor dreams or desires, they don’t interest anyone but you, the less you talk about yourself, the better.
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There are people who can’t live with the joy and happiness of the other and even unintentionally end up sending bad energies.
As you’ve seen, learning how to take the heartache out of your body and soul with the help of a match isn’t complicated. So, make the most of cleaning your body right now!
We know that most people are good and wish well, but in our day to day even to test our ability to remain positive, some not so positive people are placed in our paths, whenever you feel distressed for no apparent reason it could be the influence of a negative energy, so say prayers every day, vibrate positivity and keep what you are going to do a secret.
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Yawning Too Much When Someone Comes Close: Is It Bad? How to identify people with negative energies? 8 Symptoms Sleeping and Waking Up Tired in Spiritism: Are They Bad Energies?