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5 extra aids for your brain

In order for the brain to perform its functions effectively, in addition to not being exposed to toxic substances, it needs to have a regular intake of energy and certain nutrients. For this reason, eating well is essential to be able to enjoy a focused and awake mindprevent or mitigate neurological deterioration caused by the passage of time and ward off diseases such as Alzheimer’s or senile dementia.

Whole grains, citrus fruits, berries, nuts, brewer’s yeast, probiotics, and green leafy vegetables are the best foods for the brain and should not be missing from your diet. But there are also some supplements or allies that we can use to supplement the diet and keep our neurons happy.

Food for your brain, an extra energy

If we want to obtain an extra energy for the brain, then we will take into account these 5 additional aids.

1. Ginkgo biloba

The ginkgo (ginkgo biloba) is the most well-known and widely consumed Chinese medicinal plant in the West. It’s considered a great circulatory tonic, especially at the brain level. Facilitates access to acetylcholine receptors in the hippocampus, cell oxygenation and cerebral glucose metabolism.

Ginkgo is easy to find in herbalists and comes in various formats: the dried plant for infusion, in the form of a liquid extract, in capsules, in tablets, and the juice of the fresh plant.

Recommended dosage of ginkgo: from 60 to 180 mg daily of standardized extract of the leaf.

2. Phosphatidylserine

Phosphatidylserine is a fat-soluble substance found in high concentrations in brain cells, where it helps regulate neurotransmitters. prevents the aging brain cells and can help repair neural damage.

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Phosphatidylserine is found in trace amounts in the usual diet. Instead our body synthesizes it from the phospholipids provided by food. With age, the capacity for synthesis decreases and supplementation with derivatives of the soy lecithin.

Recommended dose of phosphatidylserine: 200mg a day.

3. Phosphatidylcholine

It is essential to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the proper functioning ofthememory, attention and learning ability.

The soy lecithin and, to a lesser extent, the wheat germ They are good sources of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine.

Soy lecithin contains very healthy fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), inositol, choline, and phosphorus, which improve memory. It also helps reduce excess cholesterol.

Recommended dose of phosphatidylcholine: between 800 and 1,200 mg per day.

4. Acetyl-L-carnitine

It improves the energy metabolism of neurons, enhances the activity of acetylcholine and eliminates cellular residues in the brain, which affects a improvement of memory and cognitive ability.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps form new connections between neuronsin addition to protecting the brain and circulatory system against excess cholesterol.

The main sources of acetyl-L-carnitine are of animal origin, but it is found in mushrooms and there are vegan supplements.

Recommended dose of acetyl-L-carnitine: 1 to 2 g per day.

5. DHA fatty acid

a fatty acid essential omega-3 for brain functions. If you suffer from Alzheimer’s, it is preferable that it be vegetable.

The algae and the walnutsthe chia or the linen They provide their plant precursor.

Recommended dose of DHA: 300mg daily.

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