Home » Holistic Wellness » Red spider: the mite you don’t see but is SURE in your house (and what to do)

Red spider: the mite you don’t see but is SURE in your house (and what to do)

Although it is known as a spider it’s actually a mite. The adult female reaches about 0.5-0.6 mm, and is recognized by its red color, although it can adopt a very different coloration: red, orange, yellowish, greenish and even brown, with two more or less large dark spots located on the lateral areas of the back.

Red spider mites are visibly smaller that the females, with the fusiform body and the longer legs in relation to the size of the body, and with color always of a lighter shade.

Both in their state of larvae, the eggs, or if they are males, since these red spiders are light in color are barely visible to the naked eye.

How to detect the red spider

The red spider mite is so tiny that it is difficult to distinguish the red dot on the plant. But, when it forms colonies, it is easier to detect because you can see a few red dots on the underside of the leaves.

When there is a more abundant growth, they are detected because create a kind of spider web on the leaf, because they create structures based on silk threads that surround the physical space where the colony is located. These silky structures are intended to creation of a suitable microclimate for the development of the mitewhere the temperature remains more or less constant and the relative humidity high.

So, if you want to find out if you have spider mites on your plants, look at the underside of the leaves, which is where these silk-coated colonies are located.

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You can also detect the red spider if the affectation of the plant is more advanced, due to the presence of colour stains.

What happens to the plant when it has red spider mites?

The red spider mite acts like most sucking insects: it inserts its stylets into the plant and sucks its cell contents. This can cause damage to the leaves and fruits:

On the sheets: the action of the spider causes a yellowish blotchy discolorations in the area in which it acts that contrasts with the green color of the leaf around it, which the leaves are drying. In the area of ​​the leaf beam you can see a leaf bulge.In the fruits: the damages in the fruits are manifested with diffuse rusty spots all over the surface of the ripe fruit. If the attacks are strong, the fruit appears dirty gray.

If the red spider attack progresses a lot, can compromise the life of the plant, so it is interesting to stop the growth of the red mite in time. Can produce intense and sudden defoliationespecially in summer.

When the treatment is carried out, the damaged leaves usually dry up and end up falling or can be removed.

When does the red spider appear

With the arrival of the warmer temperatures and when irrigation is lackingor in the field there is drought, the excess of dryness in the land favors the development of this red mite as well as other mites.

We can say that the red spider stands out for its high polyphagia. Studies have shown that it can develop optimally on more than 150 plant species, and for this reason it is considered one of the most serious crop pests in the world. It grows well in ornamental plants, fruit trees, spontaneous and also in bads herbs.

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In recent years, it has been seen how Red spider mite attacks have increased on clementines and lemon trees. On the other hand, the orange does not pay much attention.

How to eliminate the red spider

When the presence of red spider mites on plants is confirmed, there are several actions that help to eliminate it.

The first is to check the care: how is the soil, irrigation… And then, also, resort to natural products, which can be done at home in a simple, economical and effective way.

essential care

Avoid the dryness of the earth. Keeping the surface of the earth moistened on a regular basis is enough to avoid having problems with mites. Avoid excess nitrogen in the soil. Do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers. Profusely wetting the underside of the affected leaves is very effective. You can even clean the leaves with steam jets, from the underside and from below.

Home remedies

Apply pressurized steam. Wet the plants with water or with infusions or decoctions of wormwood, sagebrushnettle or pyrethrum.Apply a garlic solution: crush it and dilute it in water. With a vaporizer apply it. It is a good option to keep the red spider mite, and also other insects and fungi at bay in a natural way. An effective product when the pest is getting worse is to use the potassium soapas a natural treatment.

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