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Daffodil with flower: with these tips it will bloom longer in the garden, pots and vases

The daffodil is a bulbous plant that blooms in late winter. It is native to the Mediterranean basin and is also known as duck flower or simply narcissus. The daffodil flower has a characteristic shape trumpet-shaped, with six white or yellow petals and a cup-shaped center.

How to plant daffodil bulbs in the garden

If you want to enjoy the daffodil flowers in spring You have to plant the bulbs in the month of October.

Daffodils require specific care for their cultivation. It is recommended to place it in semi-shade or in places with direct sunlight, but in hot climates it is better to have it in semi-shade.

The substrate must be light so that it drains well and something enriched with organic matter. The narcissus is not too demanding in terms of soil type, a moderately fertile soil is enough for it, either naturally or enriched with worm humus or organic compost. The soil must be well fluffy to favor the correct formation of roots

To plant the bulbs, holes must be dug and inserted into the soil. The depth at which daffodil bulbs should be planted depends on their size. Large bulbs, such as tulips or trumpet daffodils, they should be planted to a depth of about 20 cm, while the smaller bulbs should be planted to a depth of approximately 10 cm. The distance between bulbs should be about 15 cm.

put some compost in the hole, put the bulb and cover it with soil.

Irrigation should be moderate but frequent to maintain a good level of humidity without flooding. It is important to avoid lack of water and excess heat, since the daffodil prefers cold environments.

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The pruning it is limited to removing the dried flowers and leaves.

How to plant potted daffodil bulbs

Choose bulbs that look good-looking, firm, and no signs of mold. To plant them in a pot, it is recommended to choose a pot at least 30 cm deep with drainage holes.

Must be fill half the pot with suitable soil and place the bulbs with the tips up. They are then covered with earth. Finally you can put a loose layer of leaves or sawdust to help regulate the temperature.

It is important to water abundantly, but without flooding the land.

With the finger trick, which we explain in this video, you will know if you are watering well:

How to plant already sprouted daffodil bulbs

If you did not plant the bulbs in autumn and do not want to give up the beauty of the daffodil in your garden or in your house, you can buy sprouted bulbs, although They are very sensitive and fragile.

They can be carefully planted in a pot with suitable soil (for example, a mixture of equal parts of soil and compost, cwith good drainage, and water them abundantly, without flooding the land. Water around the plant, moistening the substrate and avoiding wetting the leaves and flowers.

It’s important to put attention on they will require six hours of sun a day to grow properly.

How to store daffodil bulbs

After the flowers have died and the leaves have dried, dig up the bulb and leave it for a couple of days on a piece of newspaper, out of direct sunlight, so that the root and bulb dry out without fungus appearing.

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Store the bulbs over the winter in a cool, dry place for reuse in the fall.

How to get daffodils to bloom for a long time in a vase

You can also buy daffodils like cut flowers to put in a vase. Unfortunately, organic flowers are not yet widespread. But you can ask at the weekly market, florist or garden center if they offer spring flowers in organic quality.

If you follow the following tips your daffodils they will live longer in the vase

After buying a bouquet, cut stems diagonally with a sharp knife. Shears are not a good option as they can crush the stems too much, reducing their ability to absorb water.Place the daffodils in a vase with cold water.Trim the stems a little each day. Be careful, as daffodils contain a toxic sap that can irritate the skin.Change the water in the vase at least every other day. Daffodils like it cool, the room temperature should not be too high and the air should not be too dry either, otherwise the flowers will wither faster.

Keep in mind that if you want to put together a colorful bouquet with different flowers, you must first place the daffodils separately in the vase. To do this, fill a vase with cold water and place the daffodils in it for a day.

After that day, pour the water out of the vase and place the daffodils in a vase of fresh water with the other spring flowers. The reason for doing this is that the stems of the plants secrete a kind of slime that causes other flowers to wither more quickly.

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