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10 foods to eliminate gas and bloating

Eat slowly, in a calm and cold environment It is one of the first steps to promote digestion and avoid annoying gases.

The reason is that the digestive process is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system (the one that predominates when we relax), which gives the order to the glands that secrete gastric juices and, in addition, regulates the movements of the organs and viscera involved in the digestive process. digestion.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body is prepared to digest while there is sunlight; hence the importance of having dinner early.

The introduction of a greater contribution of fiber It must be progressive, since our flora is not used to it and ends up producing bloating, discomfort and flatulence, although they can be reduced with this massage to eliminate gases.

How to take care of the intestine to avoid gases

The drugs antacids they inhibit a correct stomach acidity necessary for the digestion of proteins, which if not digested form gases.

10 foods against gas and bloating

Start the meal with a miso soup or a hot broth promotes digestion. You can add infusions to eliminate gas, apple cider vinegar, sauerkraut or lemon juice to enhance the action of gastric juices.

Avoid annoying gases with a balanced diet and these specific foods.

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