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10 famous phrases about happiness to smile

Happiness is an emotion that everyone aspires to, but not that everyone enjoys. Why? Perhaps because you have a wrong view of it. Being happy is not a perennial statebut it is one more emotion of the many others that the human being experiences.

Surely you have heard and read repeatedly that true happiness is within you. And it is so. Being happy is born in you, you cannot place that great responsibility on your environment, which is undoubtedly an indisputable factor when it comes to empowering it.

Being happy involves allowing yourself to feel all those emotions that appear, even if they are really uncomfortable: sadness, anger… Only when you leave room for everything that happens inside, can you taste true happiness..


In a society that tends to despise the small joys of everyday life, it is sometimes convenient to return to a state of happiness and get rid of the emotional ballast that we carry in our backpack. The past should serve to better understand oneself, but it is necessary to look ahead with enthusiasm.

Aware of how important it is to dream and envision the future always with new goals, where many moments of happiness are enjoyed along the way, famous personalities have given us different quotes with which they emphasize the idea of face tomorrow with optimism.

This selection of famous quotes about happiness invites you to see the bright side of things. They are phrases to smile. You are ready?

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