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Who remembers the liver? 10 foods to take care of it

often when the liver is overloaded, we may notice a lack of concentration, constipation, poor digestion, dry skin, anger, apathy or difficulty in making decisions. This is especially common in spring. But with a little care we will immediately improve the symptoms.

The liver requires a good rest, some physical activity to sweat and eliminate accumulated toxins, have dinner early and pamper him saying “sssshhhhh” (in Tai Chi, this sound is pronounced internally during exercises to calm the liver, which according to traditional Chinese medicine is where anger is stored).

8 plants to purify the liver

Diet is especially important when it comes to taking care of the liver. To help the liver and emmuntory organs to detoxify the body, you can follow these guidelines:

Avoid processed foods, sugar and stimulants. A recent study published in Liver International associated the consumption of ultra-processed food with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Introduce it into your diet bitter tasting raw vegetables, sprouts, green leaves, fermented and quality proteins. Take turmeric and boldotwo plants improve liver function.

follow a 7-day Detox Plan Or opting for cleansing broths also helps you to eliminate toxins in a healthy and safe way and to feel better and live more fully and vitally.

Between the foods that help you the most to purify the liver, the following stand out:

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