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Lunar calendar for May 2023

The night sky hides the keys to beautiful, strong and long hair or long-lasting hair removal. You don’t need to do complicated calculations, In Cuerpomente we tell you what are the key dates according to the lunar calendar of 2023 based on the criteria of biodynamic agriculture.

Farmers have been using the lunar calendar for centuries to determine the most propitious moments for field work. Biodynamic agriculture picks up this tradition, betting on an integrated way of cultivating that takes into account what happens in living organisms due to the influence of the Moon, its phases and its ascending or descending orbit.

In this video you have different examples of the influence of the Moon on living beings studied by science:

This is how the Moon influences life on Earth.

8 proofs of the influence of the Moon

The calculations of biodynamic agriculture can be applied to other phenomena that are observed in us, such as the how fast hair or body hair growshe root strengthening or even our ability to purify or assimilate the nutrients that we put on our skin.

In this lunar calendar for May we focus on the effects on hair and body hair, which allows us to facilitate the ideal dates to cut your hair depending on the result you are looking for, as well as the auspicious time for hair removal.

To consult more detailed information day by daywith personal care and garden and home tasks that are more favorable according to the Moon, you still have the weekly lunar calendars for the second half of May available:

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May lunar calendar for cutting hair and waxing

Below we detail the days and times in May 2023 that, according to the lunar calendar, can be considered the most favorable for scheduling your haircut or waxing.

When choosing when to cut your hair, You have to keep in mind what your goal is.: if you want it to grow faster or if, on the contrary, you are interested in strengthening the root.

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