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How to choose the best yoga mat –

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Yoga is a practice super beneficial for body and mind. One of its main advantages is that you don’t need much to start practicing: just a little time and good will. However, choosing a good mat to accompany the movements can be quite interesting.

“With the mat it is much more comfortable and safer to practice yoga”, says carol rachefounder of Namah Wellness and yoga teacher. “As your body moves, it provides the necessary cushioning to prevent future problems. But make no mistake, don’t buy the first yoga mat you come across, you need to know which one is best for you.”

With that in mind, how do you go about choosing a suitable yoga mat? See the tips below:



The ideal yoga mat is between 3 and 5 millimeters thick. That’s enough to offer comfort and cushioning during practice. Those who travel a lot and like to have a mat close by can opt for those that are between 1 and 2.5 mm thick, as they don’t take up much space and are easy to carry.

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Here, an important point: avoid buying rugs that are smaller than you – that is, that leave your head or feet outside, in contact with the floor. The ideal yoga mat is a few inches longer than your own height.



Mats made with natural rubber are very resistant, as well as non-slip. Think of a common practice, where changing posture can cause slipping, depending on the surface you practice the exercise on – a rubber mat prevents this from happening and prevents accidents or injuries.

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Seeking high-density options is also an important factor, as it will provide stability and safety for the joints. “Keep in mind that in the practice of yoga you have intense physical contact with the mat”, he says. “So, make choices that, first of all, are good for your health. Opt for natural and chemical-free materials.”

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