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4 women tell how they take care of their bodies at 20, 30, 40 and 50 –


Nayana Rodrigues Santos (26 years old|1.70 m|57 kilos)

The actress always ate right, but her choices were no longer enough when she joined the race. “It lacked momentum,” she says. She saw a nutritionist, who suggested that she increase the good fats and reduce the sugar. “Today I am a marathon runner and I feel better than ever.”


1. I learned the basics

“On Sundays, I prepare steamed vegetables and separate them into portions. So, I always leave home with a complete and colorful lunch box.”

2. Sweet is my sin

“Every day I eat a square of 70% chocolate or sugar-free paçoca. I kill at will.”

3. I can’t stop enjoying the night because of the diet

“I have dinner before leaving the house, I carry nuts to eat at the club and I stop after the first drink. It became a joke in the class, but I don’t care.”

AT 30

Thais Massafera (36 years old | 1.70 m | 64 kilos)

(Natália Mitie Caneshiro/)

In her first pregnancy, aged 20, the blogger and cook gained 15 kilos, but soon regained her shape without dieting or exercising. At 30, it took nine months for her to lose the 9 kilos that remained from her pregnancy with her second child. “The metabolism is not the same!” Luckily, she started working with food and discovered the importance of healthy choices in health and shape.”

Read more: How to get back in shape after pregnancy


1. I reduced the carb and increased the protein

“These changes, along with exercise, lowered my body fat percentage.”

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2. I prepare my own food

“So I select the most nutritious ingredients and control the amount of oil.”

3. The “crap” has a day

“Only when we go out to eat on the weekend. Children understand this division well.”

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AT 40

Adriana Yoshida (43 years old | 1.65m | 50 kilos)

(Natália Mitie Caneshiro/)

Until the age of 35, the video director ate steak and fries every day. But as soon as her skin and muscles showed signs of age, she became more active (she runs, does yoga and weight training), cut out fried foods and reduced carbs. “I’m healthier and more defined now than at any other stage in my life”, celebrates the mother of three.


1. Drink more water

“That’s my biggest piece of advice for 20-year-old girls. I’ve been drinking about 3 liters a day for many years. It makes all the difference on the skin.”

2. I no longer stop organizing my diet

“Every Saturday I go to the grocery store with the menu for the week already planned.”

3. I bring fruit salad to work

“I still carry chestnuts in my purse so I don’t eat nonsense on days when I have outdoor shoots.”

AT 50

Eliane Contreras (54 years old S | 1.70 m | 59 kilos)

(Natália Mitie Caneshiro/)

‘s nutrition editor has been focusing on food since she was a teenager. The result is skin that draws compliments. “Certainly, my table choices have helped keep everything in place until now.” Her weight has changed little, just 5 kilos compared to the time she got pregnant – the first time, at 24, and the second, at 26. Yoga is another great ally of hers.

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1. I prioritize fresh and natural foods

“I was a vegetarian for 23 years. I went back to eating fish and chicken, but vegetables, legumes and whole grains continue to occupy a large part of my plate.”

2. I cut out cow’s milk

“I replace it with almond or coconut drink with sesame (rich in calcium), which I prepare myself.”

3. Sugar, only in candy

“Even so, I use much less than the recipe suggests and I prefer demerara and coconut.”

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