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Shot recipes to help with digestion, boost immunity… –

The drink concentrates vitamins and substances with digestive, thermogenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions, but most of the ingredients are sour or bitter. Hence the idea of ​​the shot – this way, you consume the concentrated mix in a single gulp. “But, to bring the expected results, the preparation in small doses must be part of a healthy lifestyle and diet”, explains nutritionist Andrezza Botelho, from São Paulo. Write down two recipes for you to make at home.

Shot antiox (ginger + beetroot)

(Lucas Terribili/)

The active ingredient in ginger, gingerol, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal actions. The beet, on the other hand, guarantees a good dose of energy and antioxidant substances, in addition to increasing the breath for the exercises. When to consume: before training. (click here to see the recipe)

Recipe from Tropics Juice Bar (@tropics_juicebar), in São Paulo.

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detox shot (lemon + apple cider vinegar + turmeric + ginger + pepper + glutamine)

(Osha Key/)

In addition to the detox effect (coming from the lemon and apple cider vinegar), the shot is thermogenic (due to the ginger and pepper) and boosts immunity thanks to the turmeric and glutamine. When to consume: in the morning, still fasting. (click here to see the recipe)

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Recipe suggested by nutritionist Andrezza Botellho (@drandrezzabotelho), from São Paulo.

shot immunity (orange + carrot + turmeric + pepper)

(Ernani Mesquita/)

The anti-inflammatory action of turmeric (or saffron) has the function of increasing the body’s defenses. The black pepper present in the recipe favors the absorption of anti-inflammatory substances from the root. The orange and carrot add fiber and a sweet taste. (click here to see the recipe)

Recipe suggested by the chef Paula Galvanini (@coolinariasaudavel).

shot detox 2 (ginger + lemon + chlorella)

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(Ernani Mesquita/)

A species of algae, chlorella helps eliminate toxins and is even considered a food for cells.

Recipe suggested by the chef Paula Galvanini (@coolinariasaudavel).

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