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7 secrets for your body to become a fat burning machine –

When it comes to losing weight and burn fat, the first word that comes to mind for most people is diet. But this is exactly the word that should be removed from the vocabulary, as explained by Rodrigo Polesso, specialist in Optimized Nutrition for Health and Well-Being at the State University of San Diego, California (USA), and leader of the movement strong tribe. “What you need is to transform your metabolism and define a lifestyle capable of de-training your body to accumulate fat”, she says. The expert’s recommendation? Follow these 7 attitudes:

1. Remove consumption of “edible substances”
What Polesso calls edible substances are industrialized products that do not have many nutrients. “To burn fat naturally, you need to restore the proper functioning of the metabolism and the hormonal system”, he explains, noting that the first step to achieve this is to remove the toxins that block this system. “Toxins are in edible substances, sugars, processed starches and artificial carbohydrates. “It is these elements that cause the metabolism to produce a large amount of insulinencouraging the storage of fat”, he says.

Read more: Cutting processed foods from the diet made this woman lose 9 kilos

2. Prioritize the nutritional density of foods
The second secret for the body to start burning love handles is to prioritize foods with high nutritional density. “With this, you start providing the body with all the minerals and vitamins what he needs”, says the expert. “Real, real foods are more nutritious and empower the body for a functioning shift.”

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3. Limit dense carbs
It is not enough to eliminate processed carbohydrates. “Limiting the consumption of dense carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, sugars and sweetened beverages, is paramount because the obesity It is a metabolic disease caused by excess insulin”, he explains. The expert points out that all types of carbohydrates are fuel for the fire for this hormone produced by the pancreas. “Only by doing this do you begin to enable the body to prioritize weight loss and burning excesses”.

Read more: New low carb diet: reduce carbohydrates for a while and then go back to eating bread without getting fat

4. Optimize your intake of natural fats
When limiting carbohydrates, people usually increase their consumption of natural fats. “It is important to stop including artificial fat, such as margarine and vegetable oils, and prioritize natural ones such as olive oil, coconut oil and even lard, which are non-toxic and help the body to function well”, he adds. Gradually, you will become a fat burning machine!


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5. Boost insulin sensitivity in muscles
Rodrigo Polesso says that one of the next steps is to make the muscles more sensitive to insulin. “It is an additional point in the process of improving health”, he says. “The practice of correct physical exercises, mainly resistance ones (which work the muscles), will make them more sensitive to insulin, better absorb glucose and also help reduce fat naturally”, he explains. .

Even so, the specialist tells that the focus on the exercises should not be the first strategy of who wants to lose weight. “Exercise itself, without proper nutrition, does not promote weight loss as efficiently.”

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Read more: 12 foods to gain muscle

6. Put stress in check
Anyone who wants to lose weight needs to fight stress. “That feeling causes cortisol production to be stimulated,” she explains. “The body stressed it is more difficult to lose weight because this hormone also contributes to greater insulin production and, when it is active, we cannot lose weight properly.”

Knowing that the stressed organism has more obstacles to lose weight, the expert suggests having a better quality of life as an ally of weight loss. “That’s why you shouldn’t go on restrictive diets: they can create more stress right at the time you need to lose weight”, he adds.

7. Practice intermittent fasting the smart way
Intermittent fasting is the ultimate secret to getting your machine to shed overeating. But the expert warns that this needs to be done carefully. “The practice of intermittent fasting it can be powerful, but the priority needs to be in the other previous steps. Only after applying the correct diet can fasting be done gradually and correctly”, comments Polesso, noting that this process makes it possible for the body to access extra fat as a form of energy, adjusting the gears of metabolism and allowing it to work correctly.

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