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What is a yoni egg and what is it for? – GOOD SHAPE

Among the new trend of sexual wellness, that is, sexual well-being, there is a series of accessories that promise to improve the sex life and even help maintain the reproductive system and pelvic floor (as explained in this article). One such item that seems to be growing in popularity is the yoni egg.

What is Yoni Egg?

Basically (and as the name implies), a yoni egg is an egg-shaped stone, often polished versions of quartz or jade, used to enhance intimate health.

“Yoni” is the Sanskrit term for “uterus”, and “egg”, English for “egg”, refers to the shape of the piece, whose objective is to guarantee a double functionality: first, as ben-wa balls, helping to strengthen of the female vaginal musculature. The second, more holistic, is its “healing” function due to the material with which it is manufactured.

“There are no studies about the yoni egg, specifically”, explains the gynecologist Dr. Fernanda Pepicelli. “However, for some years pelvic physiotherapy has been achieving excellent results in improving women’s intimate health. This treatment is beneficial at different stages of life.”

According to the doctor, there are studies that show how these treatments improve sexual health, including pain felt during the act. “In addition, there is an important role in preparing pregnant women for childbirth. In diseases such as urinary incontinence, it has a very well-established role.”

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In this way, it is understood that any object developed to strengthen the female local musculature, as is the case with the yoni egg, has a certain degree of effectiveness. “Among the benefits of pelvic physiotherapy treatment, we see an improvement in irrigation, elasticity and innervation, in addition to an important gain in body awareness”, continues the professional.

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But it is important to remember that the Yoni Egg is not a specific therapy. Physiotherapeutic treatments include a series of exercises that must be prescribed and carried out with the help of a qualified professional, not only to avoid complications, but mainly to achieve good results.

“Among the techniques that physiotherapists use are vaginal cones,” continues Dr. Fernanda. “The most basic exercise with them is to introduce the cone and simply try to keep it in a standing position without it falling over. As the woman progresses, she can increase the weight or even start to perform activities such as walking and squatting to make the exercise more difficult. Vaginal cones are quite reminiscent of yoni eggs,” she continues.

Is it safe to use yoni eggs?

Yes, as long as proper care is maintained. Because it is an object inserted into the vaginal canal, constant hygiene is required, in addition to an evaluation with the gynecologist to carry out the training. “Patients with ongoing vaginal infections or lesions or wounds in the vagina should not undergo it. Finally, carrying out the treatment with a qualified professional makes the results better perceived”, he adds.

Using a lubricant to facilitate handling can also be a good idea, as well as inspecting the surface of the egg from time to time – as it is a polished stone, it may have small holes or cracks that accumulate dust or bacteria.

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