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The 10 best exercises for women –

Does summer call for cropped dresses, tank tops and bare legs? After testing several different workouts, American personal trainer Nora Tobin, a performance specialist, managed to find the perfect formula: exercises that work the whole body and, in addition, avoid some common pains in the female universe (goodbye, back pain!). Here, the top selection for you to include in your routine:

1. Modified stuff

Caio Mello ()

In addition to toning the glute, it still works and strengthens the core. Great to avoid the famous lumbar pains? How to do it: A. Postural alignment is the same as in exercise 1A, but with feet parallel and legs hip-width apart. B. Drop your torso forward, bending your right knee and resting your left hand on the floor while lifting your left leg back. The right hand is raised to the side, at shoulder height. Return to starting position. Breathing: inhale to go down and exhale to go up. Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side.

2. Isometric Side Plank

Bruna Castanheira (ABÁ MGT) ()

This exercise is my secret weapon for ripping my waist, as it works the abs a lot (even more than some abs!). How to do it: do the initial movement of the previous exercise and hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat the same for the other side.

3. Flexion

Gustavo Arrais ()

It’s traditional, but it really works! The famous push-up works the entire body, burns a lot of calories and even defines the muscles of the shoulders and arms. How to do it: lying on your stomach, hands at shoulder height and width, palms touching the floor, legs extended and together, toes touching the floor. Contract glutes and abdomen, inhale and raise your arms, raising your body. Exhale as you slowly lower.

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4. Squat in second position

Caio Mello (Caio Mello/)

When it comes to getting your butt on the back of your head, there’s no better exercise than this one. And, doing it in second position (legs in lateral position) you still work the inner thigh. How to do it: start with the postural alignment: legs apart, feet open, aligned with the knees, weight equally distributed on the soles of the feet, spine aligned, hips slightly fitted, abdomen and buttocks contracted, chest open, bringing the shoulder blades together (on the back) , shoulders away from ears, arms extended at shoulder height (for balance). B. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement. Breathing: inhale to go down and exhale to go up. Do 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions

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5. Aerobic interval (running)

Gustavo Arrais ()

To increase caloric expenditure, include some aerobic exercises in your routine. Rope, run or bike? You choose. How to do it: remember to maintain a good posture, with the torso slightly leaning forward, arms parallel to the body, at a 450 angle; shoulders and neck relaxed, fists clenched without tension and eyes on the horizon. Do 3 minutes of intense running.

6. Triceps kick

GOOD FORM file ()

Want to define your triceps and shoulders? With this exercise you can do it! How to do it: standing, one leg in front of the other, knees slightly bent and a dumbbell in your right hand. Lean your torso forward, place your left hand on your left thigh and bend your right elbow to 90 degrees beside your waist. Extend your arm back, bringing the weight above your back, and step back. Finally, repeat with the other arm. Beginners: 1 or 2 kg. Intermediate: 2 or 3 kg. Advanced: 3 or 4 kg.
Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions

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7. Climbing the bank

Luciana Cristhovam ()

Is your goal to conquer strong legs, firm butt and gain more resistance? Then this exercise is for you. How to do it: A. Facing the bench with your body slightly inclined, left foot on top and right leg extended underneath. B. Push off and step onto the bench, bending your right leg when you’re at the top. Hands move alternately with legs. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

8. Bridge

Caio Mello ()

In addition to stimulating the butt muscles, the exercise also strengthens the lower back. In other words: goodbye, back pain. How to do it: lying on your back, feet hip-width apart, knees bent, abdomen and buttocks contracted, arms stretched out alongside your body and neck relaxed. A. Extend right leg upward. B. Raise hips keeping leg straight and lower. Breathing: inhale to go down and exhale to go up. 3 sets of 10 to 12x on each side.

9. Plank with arm extension

Fabio Heinzenreder ()

The exercise is easy to do, but requires concentration, strength and body awareness, so it’s great for defining the abdominal region and also working shoulders, arms and core (abdominal and back muscles). How to do it: face down, hands flat on the floor, legs extended and slightly apart and toes resting on the floor. Lift your body up, extending your elbows and forming a straight line from your head to your ankles. Take one arm at a time forward and back. Repeat the cycle 4 to 5 times and descend.

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10. Reverse

GOOD FORM file ()

This exercise targets more than one part of your abs at the same time. Powerful, right? How to do it: lying on your back, knees semi-flexed, hands along your body. She contracts her abs and brings her knees towards her chest until her tailbone is off the ground. Do 3 sets of 30 repetitions.

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