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How do I know if my ex will regret it?

You recently broke up with your ex and you don’t really know if you still have feelings for him. So you ask yourself: how do I know if my ex will regret that our relationship has ended? Maybe you still want to give the connection you shared one more try.

To do this, you can start by looking for signs that show you that your ex still has feelings for you and probably wants to return.

How to realize that my ex will regret it?

To begin with, you should know that there are many couples who try again, but this depends on several factors. Among them are how things have ended. If the relationship has been going on for a long time and has worn itself out, chances are you won’t regret it. If not, there may be some chance.

Next, I will mention signs that may indicate that your ex is sorry that their relationship has broken up.

1) He still frequents the places you used to go together.

Your ex regrets having separated from you, if you meet him in the places they went, when they were dating.

He could also send you a message when he passes through these places, since he feels nostalgic for not being with you anymore. He miss you.

Also, he wants to know if writing to you about it still mobilizes something in you. He’s sorry they’ve drifted apart and wants to see if you still have feelings for him to try again.

2) He has not unfollowed you on your social networks

Usually, when you break up with a partner, and want to start a new life, you want to let go of everything about them. We stop following our ex on Facebook, Instagram and all the social networks in which we have it.

We also return all their things and even get rid of those that remind us of them. We turn the page and begin to move forward on a new path.

If your ex hasn’t done this, it’s probably because they aren’t sure they left you and at some point decide to come back.

3) He still asks for you

If he constantly asks mutual friends or family members how your life is going and what romantic situation you are in, he hasn’t forgotten you.

He’s probably about to make a move to win you back, but first he wants to know what his chances are.

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He also understands that if you’ve already redid your life with someone else, things will be much more complicated if he decides to try something.

4) He has not been able to continue with his love life

Sometimes it happens that an ex regrets not having a romantic relationship anymore, but does not dare to return. So he gets stuck in the way.

You can realize this, if they have been separated for a while and you do not notice any change in him. He’s still single and his routine is the same as before, except you’re not in it anymore.

Of course, when you end a deep connection with someone, you need time to recover. But if months go by without you even starting to take care of yourself, have a bigger social life, or even get a new partner, then he regrets not being together anymore.

5) He gets jealous if he sees you with other men

After a more or less long relationship, it is normal for mutual friends to remain and they continue to go to certain places. Now you have noticed that from time to time you meet and your ex gets jealous, if he sees you talking to other guys.

It can even happen that on your social networks you upload photos with friends or guys you’ve met recently and he makes a negative comment. He can’t resist seeing you with other men, because he still has feelings for you.

6) He keeps writing and calling you

Suddenly a message rings on your phone and you see that your ex has sent it to you. You open it and it does not contain any urgent or necessary messages. He simply greets you or asks what you are doing.

This means that you do not stop being in their thoughts. She has not been able to forget you and even regrets it. That is why every once in a while he writes or calls you. He does not want to lose connection with you, because at some point he may ask you to return to his relationship.

Does the one who leaves regret it?

There is also a fairly general rule, that the person who leaves the other is the one who regrets it. If in your case the one who left you is your ex, then it is more likely that he will regret it and he will want to get back with you.

And there is a greater chance that he will feel that he has made a mistake in leaving you, if he has done so in the middle of a strong argument, where anger has won him. These are very common situations, where emotions make people get carried away and make mistakes. This is how they later regret their actions.

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How to know that you will no longer return to your ex?

It may also be that you are confused about having ended a relationship. He may not know if you really miss him or if you’re just not used to being alone.

To realize that you will no longer return to your ex, you must observe the following in yourself:

1) You feel relieved

It may be normal that at the beginning of a separation you have doubts, fears and mixed feelings. Being alone again takes a while to adjust to.

But if after a normal period, you resume your life and feel relieved, it means that the relationship you had was not for you. So, you probably won’t get back together with your ex anymore.

2) You feel with renewed energy

If two people stay together, when the relationship is not working, this can be exhausting.

You can even love that person a lot, even if their relationship does not do them good. So, you push yourself to keep trying, but this only consumes your energy, without getting anything better.

So, if you separate and feel with renewed energy, motivated and wanting to do new things in your life, it is that you are doing the right thing. You will no longer go back to your ex.

3) You no longer care about what your ex does

After the breakup, it may be normal for you to be aware of everything that is happening with your ex. Likewise, this does not mean that you return to him. Separations are often not easy and people have to get used to it.

But if you notice that, after a while, you think less and less about him and more about everything new that awaits you, it is that you have taken a step forward to renew your life and your ex is no longer part of it.

4) You begin to have a better self-esteem

Perhaps you have found yourself in a toxic relationship, which was very difficult for you to leave behind. You still have feelings for him, as he has manipulated you in some way and your mind is still cloudy.

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But little by little your self-esteem is growing and you feel better than ever. You know with greater certainty what you want and you have begun to take care of yourself physically and mentally. This means that your past relationship was unhealthy and you are currently taking charge of your life. When you realize this, you will understand that you do not want to go back to your old partner.

5) Any contact with your ex has stopped being painful

You have realized that seeing a message from your ex no longer causes you anxiety. Nor is it painful for you to call you on the phone or cross it on the street. You’re over him and you don’t want to be with him anymore.

Surely you wish him the best, but you are looking for new horizons, where you can find the right person for you.

6) You no longer mention your ex

A very likely sign that you won’t get back together with your ex is when you’ve gotten it out of your system. This means that you no longer mention it and continue your daily routine without thinking about it. You’ve moved on and now hang out with a lot of other people, to whom you don’t even mention your old partner.

He is no longer part of your life, nor of your projects and he is not in your thoughts.

Final thoughts

If you are confused about your separation and you wonder: how to know if my ex will regret it? Now you know what you should pay attention to, in order to realize it. If you see him regularly at the places you used to go together and he continues to like your posts, then he hasn’t forgotten you.

Nor if he keeps asking about you and is still single, after a long time. Also, this becomes obvious, if he gets jealous, when he sees you with other men and keeps calling you.

You also understand that if your ex dumped you in a fit of rage, he or she will most likely regret it.

And if you also wonder if you would get back together with your ex, not mentioning it is indicating that you managed to rebuild your life.

Likewise, if you feel relieved and with more energy to do things for yourself, you are beginning a new phase. Keep going, you can!

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