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Blue candle flame meaning explained [+ Wie man damit arbeitet]

A blue candle flame is one of the most popular types of flames, but there are still many misconceptions about it. This flame has a deep, spiritual, magical meaning and is the perfect tool to cast some spells and learn about our reality from a different, unique perspective, interpret the signs of the flame and much more.

Let’s see together everything we need to know about a blue candle flame meaning

What is the spiritual meaning of blue smoke from a candle?

The spiritual meaning of blue smoke from a candle is all about the benevolent presence of spirits in your life.

The esoteric meaning of the color blue evokes the clarity of the sky, vast expanses of water, the coolness of a shadow, and the calm, serenity, calm and beauty of the blue sky, the imposing mass of distant mountains and the terrible chasms of the ocean.

Primitive peoples believed that these distant blue mysteries were the dwelling places of gods, spirits, or ancestors, and this way of thinking arose out of blue’s association with religion; In fact, it is present in religious iconography around the world.

In Tibetan mandalas, blue esoterically symbolizes the state where the whirlwind reigns, passions have been overcome and conscience can examine everything with clarity; according to Jung, blue means height and depth; In fact, the sky is far away and stretches as far as the eye can see, as does the ocean.

In nature, blue speaks to us of realities much larger than our human dimension, a bit like in Luciferian iconography, where demons (understood in Catholic belief as elevated rather than negative entities) appear surrounded by a blue aura.

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Early Christians associated blue with God the Father, while today blue is the color of Virgo. Blue is the symbol of the feminine and associated qualities such as compassion, devotion, faithfulness and maternal qualities associated with the Virgin Mary embodying the ideal of the perfect mother.

Blue as a positive maternal archetype derives from our biological history; In fact, before we are born, we are aquatic beings in a similar solution to the sea from which life originated. As a symbol of water, blue suggests other meanings; It purifies, nourishes, refreshes, purifies and transforms substances by dissolving them and making them miscible.

The dark shades of blue indicate more negative, mysterious and dangerous aspects related to this symbolism.

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What if I light a candle in my house and blue smoke comes out?

If you light a candle in your home and blue smoke appears, it is a sign of a benevolent spiritual presence. It is the color of angelic fire. If a candle flame burns blue or blue-white, that’s a sign! The spirits have taken an interest in your request.

If the question asked is legitimate, it’s a good sign. in other cases it is better to leave it alone.

What if blue smoke appears when we cast a spell or perform a ritual?

If blue smoke appears when you cast a spell or perform a ritual, it means that some spiritual presence supports your practice and that you should cultivate positive emotions in order for magic to manifest.

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What if the candle burns by only producing blue smoke in the air? Beginning?

If the candle burns by producing blue smoke only at the beginning, it means that a benevolent spiritual presence wants to appear and support you, but some other forces are preventing it.

If this happens after casting a spell, try recasting it as your intentions and commitment may not have been as strong. Don’t be frustrated!

Just give yourself and your craft the time and chance to adjust, and amazing things will happen!

How can I use a blue candle flame in magic?

  • You can use a blue candle flame to cast wards

You can use a blue candle flame to honor your angels

  • You can use a blue candle flame to connect with your spirit guide
  • A blue candle flame is a very effective tool to ward off pain, illness, envy, unhappiness and other troubles. It is used to quell quarrels, avoid family arguments, restore domestic harmony, bring together relatives who don’t speak to each other, and keep secrets at bay.

    It is also used to encourage forethought and intuition at work to expand one’s business. Bright shades of blue symbolize the color of the sky, hence the ability to expand perception, bring good luck and protect in adversity. When you meditate with a blue candle, you will find inner balance and attain wisdom.

    So the blue candle flame is used to protect against dangers from the evil eye and to promote patience, understanding and meditation and to ward off pain, disease and envy. It is also very useful for restoring family harmony and suppressing quarrels.

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    What if the blue candle flame turns black? What does that mean and what can I do?

    When the blue candle flame turns black, it means that there is still disharmony in a relationship or within ourselves.

    When we cast a reconciliation spell or a spell to get an ex back and the blue candle flame turns black, it is a sign that we still need to work on ourselves and the relationship to finally find peace and harmony.

    Try restating the spells, keeping your vibrations up and trying to go bad energies behind.

    Negative feelings and darkness can be a sign that you are not ready to let love and balance take over, so give yourself an opportunity to really tune into the present moment and focus on what needs to be done, to practice your craft from a place of openness and positivity.

    This is the right approach to make amazing things happen! If you need guidance to win someone back or live a more harmonious, happier life, you can count on my magic service. It’s affordable, easy to order, effective and can be the right option to have what you want hassle-free!

    If you can’t find the right spell for your situation, you can order a custom spell or contact me to learn more about what would be the right choice for you!

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