Owls are mystical creatures of the night, and when you encounter one, it’s hard to shake the feeling of having witnessed something profoundly magical.
An owl’s hoot usually carries an important spiritual message, so you should take the time to interpret it correctly when you hear it – and to help, in this post we discuss what it means when you hear an owl hear?
Owl symbolism according to different cultures
Before we look at what it means when you hear an owl hooting, it’s worth taking a moment to think about the symbolism that owls have had in different cultures around the world.
Native American beliefs
Although different Native American tribes hold a range of different beliefs, deep spiritual and symbolic meaning is almost universally ascribed to animals and the wider nature.
For this reason, it is not surprising that such a mystical and mysterious animal as the owl features in the beliefs of several tribes – although beliefs can differ significantly from tribe to tribe.
Some tribes see in owls a bad omen, heralding misfortune, misfortune, bad weather or even death. For example, the Cherokee have beliefs of this nature that associate owls with death, witchcraft, and bad luck.
Others see owls as harbingers of important spiritual events – this can mean death, but figuratively leading to spiritual transformation and rebirth as well.
In some tribes, children are told that owls can hunt people and steal people’s souls – this is a traditional type of teaching for children in some Native American societies, teaching them how to behave properly.
Finally, some tribes see owls as a so-called “psychopomp,” a guide who accompanies the souls of the deceased to the other side.
In short, in Native American culture, owls are equally feared and revered.
Ancient Greece
In ancient Greece, the goddess Athena was associated with owls and was often depicted with them. Athena was the goddess of knowledge, so seeing or hearing owls was considered a good omen, announcing luck or wealth.
The owl was considered a symbol of wisdom and was also a guardian for troops, representing victory over enemies on the battlefield.
Ancient Rome
Unlike in Greece, the owl was viewed in a much more negative light in ancient Rome. It has often been taken as a prediction of bad weather or death – and owls are known to have appeared before the deaths of important Romans such as Julius Caesar, Augustus, Marcus Aurelius and Agrippa.
Once the city of Rome even had to undergo a lustration, a kind of purification ritual, because an owl was observed in the Capitolium.
Ancient Egypt
In ancient Egypt, owls were feared but also revered. That’s because they were believed to be associated with death and darkness – but they were also associated with the afterlife.
Arabic faith
According to certain Arabic beliefs, owls were bad omens and evil spirits. An old folk tale tells that owls can fly into houses and kidnap children.
In China, owls are believed to be associated with illness and death, and there is a belief that when old people hear an owl, they should start digging a grave.
However, in traditional Chinese feng shui, the owl represents strong yang energy and has powerful protective abilities. According to these beliefs, the owl is a positive omen of good luck and abundance.
This means that it is a positive emblem that you can hang around your home, although you shouldn’t put it in peaceful and quiet areas. It is more suitable for places like offices, and when placed by windows, it can deflect harmful negative energy from the outside.
Modern spiritual meanings
In modern spirituality, the owl blends many of the ancient beliefs about owls with more modern thinking, bringing a whole new level of symbolism to this bird.
An important meaning is that owls are related to setting boundaries and boundaries. They fiercely defend their territory, and some owl symbolism relates to defining boundaries.
These days, owls are seen more positively than negatively – they are considered wise creatures and the notion that they are bad omens is less common.
However, seeing or hearing can evoke deeply spiritual feelings in some people, so it’s easy to see why some people can also be afraid of their powers.
Owls are also associated with new beginnings and in modern spiritual symbolism this is an important aspect of what the owl represents.
While owls predicted literal death in some cultures, more people today are choosing to see it as the end of a phase in their lives and the beginning of something new.
What does it mean when you hear an owl hooting?
As owls come out at night it is quite unusual to see or hear them and hearing an owl hoot can be an eerie experience leaving you with the impression that you have seen something profound and meaningful.
However, it’s not always easy to understand what hearing an owl can mean, so here are some of the most common interpretations.
1. Wisdom and Knowledge
When you hear an owl, the message meant for you could be one of wisdom and knowledge – it could be about using your intellect to solve problems in your life rather than relying on your gut.
Are you facing a difficult situation in your life that you don’t know how to solve? Then hearing an owl could be a sign that you are thinking rationally to find the solution instead of letting your emotions guide you.
2. Change or Conversion
As we have seen, owls have been seen in many cultures as evil omens that foretell death, but if you hear one it could be related to change, transformation and rebirth rather than a premonition of real death.
Sometimes we are afraid of change. This is natural because we never know what the future holds, and it’s often easier to hold on to what we know.
However, changes and developments always bring new opportunities, so we should welcome change and face it courageously.
Are you about to make a big change in your life – or do you have to make a decision that will involve changes?
You might be thinking about changing jobs, you might be considering ending a relationship, or you might be thinking about moving to a new city.
Whatever it is, an owl’s howl is a reminder not to be afraid of change, and if you’re looking for some guidance in decision-making, there’s a good chance hearing an owl was the validation you’re looking for have searched.
3. Feminine Energy and Intuitive Power
Owls represent feminine energy and intuitive power, and an owl’s howl can be an indication that you should trust this side of your being when making an important decision at hand.
Let things take their course, accept what is happening and allow your intuition to show you the best way.
4. Set boundaries
We’ve already mentioned that owls can symbolize setting boundaries, and this is an important message for hearing to convey.
It could be that someone is getting too close to you and bringing unwanted or negative energy with them. If that sounds like it could be true — and you hear an owl hooting — it could be a clear sign that you’re keeping that person at a distance.
Alternatively, proper interpretation may pertain to spiritual limitations as well as physical ones. Perhaps someone is making unwanted advances, perhaps at work or in some other situation.
In this case, the owl might ask you to set clear boundaries with this person and tell them that their advances are undesirable.
5. Escape from a toxic relationship
Related to setting boundaries, chances are an owl’s howl is a message to you to get out of a toxic relationship.
If you are in a relationship that is making you unhappy or preventing you from growing and developing the way you should, maybe it is time to be honest with yourself and end that relationship.
It can often be a difficult decision to make, but you will know deep down that it is what you must do.
If this interpretation resonates with you, you should think hard and look within yourself for the right answers – and if your intuition tells you to leave the relationship, take heart from the owls’ hoots that this decision is the right one.
6. Number of Screams – India
An interesting interpretation of what a hooting owl means comes from India and tells you to count how many hoots you hear.
One scream predicts death, but two screams predict success. Three screams tell you that a woman will soon be marrying into the family, while four is a warning of civil unrest. On the other hand, if you hear five calls, it tells you that you are about to embark on a journey.
7. Howling during the day
As owls are creatures of the night, a daytime hoot is extremely unusual – and for that reason it can also be an extremely important spiritual message.
In general, it can be taken as a positive sign and often predicts that a big event is coming that will change your life for the better.
However, sometimes it can also be a message that urges you to re-evaluate your life as you may need to make this big change for yourself.
8. Howling at dawn
By daybreak, owls are usually no longer active, so hearing them hooting at this time is also unusual. When you hear one it is also a positive message and usually one of hope and peace – it can foreshadow an enlightening event in your spiritual evolution.
9. Honking during the “witching hour”
The hooting of owls is most often heard at night, but the hours from around 2am to 4am is a special, mysterious time of the night when most people sleep, and that’s why this time is known as the witching hour.
Then, if you are awake and hear an owl hooting, you can be sure that it is communicating directly with you, as it…
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