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Good Luck Spells: Improve your luck with 4 ingredients

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. This spell for luck improves your chances of success in any endeavor.

We all need to increase our happiness from time to time. Even those who are normally skeptical about happiness knock on wood.

This lucky spell is great before tests at school, before a job interview or before buying a lottery ticket.

It doesn’t guarantee you’ll win the big jackpot, of course, but it does improve your chances of winning!

Spells for good luck

This spell sends Lady Luck a sacrifice of a clover.

This goddess can also be called Fortuna and she is the goddess responsible for our happiness.

We ask them to show us their favor and improve our chances of success.

*) Find out more about Lady Luck after the spell.


Download the simplified PDF copy of this spell for printing HERE.


  1. A shiny new penny
  2. A white candle
  3. A fireproof container
  4. A 4-leaf clover or drawing of a 4-leaf clover


  1. Light the candle
  2. Spin the penny until it lands upside down. 3 (or your lucky number) times in a row
  • Burn the clover or drawing and say this prayer in the fireproof container: lady luck
    send me blessings
    With this offer
    That’s how it should be
  • Let the candle burn out by itself
  • Deities representing luck


    The above saying refers to Lady Luck or Fortuna.

    Fortuna was the personification of good fortune in ancient Roman paganism. She was known to be moody and sometimes just downright mean.

    Likewise, our own happiness can change quickly. When we’re unlucky, it can seem like divine punishment.

    For this reason, I recommend making a regular offer to Fortuna.

    She might still get your luck ill from time to time, but offerings might improve your favor with her.

    There are other gods of happiness. Here are some of them:

    god of fortune


    Inari Okami Japanese God of Foxes, Fertility, Rice, Tea, Sake, Agriculture, Prosperity and Success Seven Lucky Gods Japanese gods are said to be based on historical figures that grant good luck Rod

    Slavic god of f Amily, ancestors and destiny

    Agathodaemon Personal companion spirits that bring luck, health, and wisdom Averruncus Ancient Roman god who averts harm. However, it may be a malevolent deity, demanding in lieu of offerings Ekeko Proto-Columbian god of prosperity, fortune and abundance Gad Pan-Semitic god of fortune. Not to be confused with the god of fate, Meni. Ganesha Hindu deity of beginnings, arts, sciences, intelligence, wisdom and happiness. Leib-Olmai Sami deity of fortune who lives in alder trees. Protects hunters from bears. Anaisa Pye Dominican Republic loa, patron saint of love, money and general happiness. Jengu water spirit in the traditional beliefs of the Sawa people of Cameroon. They bring good luck to believers. Lakshmi Hindu goddess of fortune Manat Semitic goddess of fate and destiny.

    lucky symbols

    If you want to look for a sign that this spell worked, you can keep an eye out for lucky symbols.

    These symbols might show up in weird places, like graffiti on walls or a charm you found on the street from a broken bracelet.

    You really need to keep your eyes peeled because these signs can come from anywhere!

    Some think that recognizing these signs shows the universe that you actually want what you are trying to manifest.

    By seeing and recognizing these signs you infuse the energy needed to manifest happiness.

    So keep your eyes peeled for things like:

  • 4 leaf clover
  • horseshoe
  • rabbit feet
  • rainbow
  • Maneki neko cats
  • Jin Chan Charms or Golden Toads
  • The numbers 7 or 8
  • bamboo
  • A barn star
  • ladybug
  • jade
  • White Elephants
  • Don’t forget to grab the PDF version of this spell here. Or if you are looking for a gambling spell, you can get it here.

    continue reading

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