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Pregnancy symptoms: know the first signs and find out if you are pregnant

Expecting a baby is a magical moment in a woman’s life. But it’s true that pregnancy can often take us by surprise! The first suspicion usually arises after a delay of one or more days in menstruation – this is in the case of regular menstrual cycles. But, it is worth noting that this, although it is the best known, is not the only sign of pregnancy.

13 main pregnancy symptoms

Alfonso Massaguer, gynecologist, obstetrician and director of Clínica Mãe, recalls that, normally, the first sign of pregnancy is a missed period. “But other pregnancy symptoms can start as soon as the production of the hormone BHCG starts, even before menstruation fails,” he says.

The most common, according to the gynecologist, are:

  1. emotional changes
  2. sleep changes
  3. Change of general provision
  4. Cramping or abdominal pain
  5. sensitive tits
  6. vaginal bleeding
  7. Enlarged breasts and darkening of the areolas
  8. abdominal sagging
  9. intestinal changes
  10. motion sickness
  11. Gastric burning and esophageal reflux sensation
  12. Appetite changes
  13. Skin and hair changes

Massaguer reinforces that each pregnancy is unique. “In other words, each woman feels the pregnancy differently, and more: each woman feels a pregnancy different from the other pregnancies! The signs of pregnancy are very varied and can be experienced or not, in the most different intensities and combinations with each new pregnancy”, she highlights.

However, despite the particularities of each pregnancy, the gynecologist and obstetrician talks below about the main symptoms of pregnancy and gives other guidelines on this important phase in a woman’s life. It is worth checking:

emotional changes

Emotional changes can occur from joy to sadness and even lability – which is a sudden change in mood.

The pregnant woman can cry, for example, when she gets emotional watching a television commercial or even become extremely angry and sad after a simple argument with her partner… This is because, at this stage, small things can gain disproportionate relevance.

sleep changes

It is more common for increased sleep to occur. That is, women tend to go to bed earlier and find it more difficult to wake up in the morning, regardless of how many hours they have slept.

A feeling of tiredness “disproportionate” to daily activities is also to be expected and this fatigue can appear as early as a week of pregnancy. The detail is that, for women who already have a very tiring routine, the day can become exhausting.

It is worth noting that tiredness and increased sleep during pregnancy occur due to hormonal changes. It is a symptom of early pregnancy, but it usually disappears in the second trimester, but generally returns towards the end of pregnancy.

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Change of general provision

It is common for changes in the general disposition of the woman to occur during pregnancy. For example, in the morning she may be feeling perfectly fine, ready to go about her business.

However, from well-being it can move to prostration – which is a state of extreme physical and psychological despondency – for no obvious reason.

Cramping or abdominal pain

Early pregnancy can cause some discomfort in the lower abdomen and a feeling of bloating in the belly – symptoms similar to those that appear days before menstruation.

It is worth noting that, with pregnancy, the uterus undergoes changes (including size), which stimulates the appearance of some contractions, felt by the woman as cramps. It is also acceptable for her to feel a sensation of heaviness in her lower abdomen, as well as twinges in her lower back, lower abdomen, and vagina.

sensitive tits

Pregnant women may feel their breasts are more sensitive and swollen (swollen). The simple act of putting on a bra, for example, can become uncomfortable.

For women who sleep on their stomachs, too, breasts can become a nuisance at this stage when they are more sensitive.

vaginal bleeding

Small amounts of vaginal bleeding may occur. This is because, after fertilization of the egg by a sperm, the embryo travels through the fallopian tubes and implants itself in the wall of the uterus between 6 to 12 days, and this implantation can cause a small bleeding (often, it is even confused with menstruation). which is to come).

Enlarged breasts and darkening of the areolas

Enlarged breasts are a common symptom of pregnancy and can appear as early as the first or second week of pregnancy. It occurs due to hormonal changes that promote the stimulation of the mammary glands, leaving them ready for the breastfeeding phase.

It is worth mentioning that this change can occur early in some women, but this is not a rule: others notice changes in the breasts only after several weeks of pregnancy.

There may also be darkening of the breast areolas, which happens due to the increase in pigment cells in the region, due to the action of hormones.

abdominal sagging

Just as it is possible for an increase in abdominal volume to occur, even in early pregnancies – as the body prepares to support uterine growth –, abdominal flaccidity can occur in some women. But, it is worth noting, this varies a lot from woman to woman.

intestinal changes

It is common for increased gas to occur at this stage of a woman’s life, even in the first weeks of pregnancy.

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This is a rather embarrassing symptom, especially in situations where a woman often spends hours indoors with other people (such as working in an office). However, it must be faced in the best possible way.

During pregnancy, constipation (also called constipation or constipation) can occur.

motion sickness

Nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms of pregnancy. They usually get worse between the 8th and 16th weeks of pregnancy, but there are women who already have these symptoms as early as the 2nd or 3rd week.

It is worth mentioning that nausea still has very different intensities from woman to woman.

Gastric burning and esophageal reflux sensation

During pregnancy, intestinal transit is slower and, due to this, in addition to constipation, gastric burning and a feeling of reflux can occur.

Appetite changes

During pregnancy there is a great hormonal, emotional and metabolic change, which generates changes in appetite and food acceptance in women. They can happen from inappetence (lack of appetite) to binge eating and the possibility of cravings.

For example, the woman may have an aversion to a certain food and/or smell that she used to like. Or vice versa: she might want to try something she never wanted to try before, among other changes.

Skin and hair changes

Due to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, changes may occur in a woman’s skin and hair, resulting from a decrease or increase in oiliness.

In females, it is worth mentioning, acne is closely related to hormonal changes that cause an increase in skin oiliness. Therefore, it may be that, at any time during pregnancy, a woman develops acne or worsens the condition she already had before.

How and when to know if you are pregnant?

  • Blood test: Alfonso Massaguer points out that with increasingly accurate and sensitive BHCG hormone detection tests, today, it is possible to detect a pregnancy from the eighth day after conception. “That is, even before any menstrual delay, when using the quantitative BHCG blood test,” he explains.
  • Pharmacy test: The urine test, adds the doctor, although very safe, is more indicated when there is a delay in menstruation.

5 common questions from first-time pregnant women

1. Desire to eat certain foods: myth or reality?

Do pregnant women actually feel more desire to eat certain foods or is this just a myth?

Massaguer explains that during pregnancy there is a great hormonal, emotional and metabolic change, which generates changes in appetite and food acceptance. “During the motion sickness phase, more acidic, light and cold foods are better accepted than hot and fatty foods,” he says.

Also according to the doctor, after the 20th week of pregnancy, fetal blood formation begins and some pregnant women develop anemia, which may increase the desire for foods rich in iron, for example.

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“Although common, the desires of pregnant women do not have a confirmed scientific explanation”, highlights gynecologist and obstetrician Massaguer.

2. Why do most pregnant women feel sick?

Feeling sick is a well-known symptom of pregnancy. But why does this happen? Is there a period of pregnancy when this symptom becomes more present or does it vary from woman to woman?

Alfonso Massaguer explains that both BHCG and progesterone, hormones during pregnancy, can reduce stomach and bowel movements and can also generate changes in acidity that increase the feeling of nausea. “Usually they get worse between the 8th and 16th weeks of pregnancy, but they can be very different in intensity from woman to woman”, he highlights.

3. When should a woman see a doctor?

When should a woman – suspecting that she may be pregnant – see a doctor?

Massaguer points out that the search for a doctor should precede the attempt to get pregnant. But, in case the pregnancy occurred before a preconception consultation, the pregnancy test and medical consultation should be done as soon as possible. “Early monitoring of pregnancy with adequate prenatal care is essential for the well-being of mother and baby, preventing diseases and complications”, she explains.

4. Are bleeding during pregnancy always a sign of risk?

Bleeding during pregnancy deserves attention. But, as Massaguer explains, they are not always related to complications. “They could be due to implantation and placental movement, for example”, she says.

“Bleeding in small or minimal amounts is not usually associated with miscarriages and 50% of pregnancies are maintained even after live bleeding in moderate to large amounts”, adds the doctor.

However, it is worth remembering: in case of bleeding, consult your obstetrician as soon as possible.

5. Can pregnant women practice physical activities?

Can women exercise during pregnancy or do they not feel ready to do so? This is a common question among many people.

Alfonso Massaguer explains that pregnant women can and should exercise, as long as they are guided by their obstetrician. “Low impact exercises, from light to moderate, are very beneficial for most pregnant women and can even improve their well-being during pregnancy”, he highlights.

General care during pregnancy

After confirming the pregnancy and, regardless of the symptoms that the woman feels, it is essential that she take certain care in this important period in her life, after all, she now carries, within her, a new being.

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