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30 Things to Stop Doing Before You’re 30

When you turn 20, you get that excitement: adult life, whoop! But it is also at this time that we discover how much freedom demands responsibility. Then there’s no way, it’s breaking the face that life teaches us to be big people. Making your own mistakes is part of the process, but not repeating them is also important! So it doesn’t hurt to remember some not-so-smart things that we can leave in the past before 3.0, right?

1. Worrying too much about the approval of others.
Everyone has to follow some rules in this life, which doesn’t mean that we should follow them all without questioning any. It’s not about being a ~rebel without a cause~, it’s about not needlessly swallowing frogs, just to follow the herd. Having said that, it is important to emphasize that this list here is not intended to ac*gar rules, OK? The idea is to expand your mind and stop to think about the (necessary) changes in life.

2. Laughing at an offensive joke just because everyone else around you is laughing.

Here we have a complement to item 1. It’s not OK to hear insults just to ~fit in~ with the group. Middle school is long gone!

3. Sleeping late every weekend instead of doing something cool in your free time.

4. Check your ex’s Facebook page.

5. Smoking.

Nobody here is saying it’s easy, but how about considering kicking the habit?

6. Drinking too much every weekend.

Note: hangovers become more violent over the years.

7. Merchandise your drinking on social media.

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Ah, how liberating it was to post those #vidaloka photos, right? But, morally, do you still need to prove to the world that you can handle tequila shots like nobody else?

8. Sleep without removing makeup from your face.

9. Being too lazy to apply moisturizer.

10. Being sedentary.

OBS: this is not a matter of physical beauty, it is a matter of health. You don’t have to pump iron if you don’t want to, but consider doing some physical activity.

11. Postpone that trip to the gynecologist.

Even if everything is going well, visiting it at least once a year is essential.

12. Leave fruits and vegetables off your menu.

13. Only floss when you go to the dentist.

14. Drink soda every day.

There’s no need to get into the paranoia of a fitness muse, but soft drinks are definitely not good for you, my friend. Enjoy with moderation!

15. Go on ~miracle~ diets and expect results yesterday.

Girl, you’re smarter than that!

16. Spend all your money on restaurants and takeaways.


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Cooking can be very pleasurable, it can make your diet healthier and it can do a lot of good for your pocket. Catch receitinhas online and play!

17. Accumulating credit card debt.

Only resort to installment purchases when you NEED a durable good, instead of digging your heels in at every sale.

18. Hoarding clothes you haven’t worn in years.

It’s normal to have a piece with sentimental value, but it doesn’t make sense to have 15!

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19. Make your room look like a war zone.

We know how liberating it is to leave your parents’ house and play the f*ck. But how about reconsidering Mom’s organizing advice before you hit 30?

20. Only clean the house when she is screaming for help.

Cleaning sucks, we know, but postponing it forever is not the solution. Also, a clean and organized house has the power to activate our good mood!

21. Take out the trash only when living things start to sprout from it.

Exaggerations aside, you can understand, right?

22. Not reading books regularly.

Are you out of money to buy? Visit a used bookstore, borrow from friends, keep an eye on online promotions, visit your city or college library! There’s no excuse, my friend.

23. Never having time for family.

It’s cruel to say this, but your parents and grandparents won’t be here forever. Enjoy their company, you can’t imagine how much you’ll value these moments in the future.

24. It’s OK when a guy says that having sex without a condom is proof of something.

If the citizen uses this type of argument, there is proof that he is an asshole.

25. Typing and talking on cell phones while driving.

26. Keep ~friendships~ that add nothing to your life.

27. Leaving everything for tomorrow and not planning things.

Organize your life, woman! You will see how much good it does.

28. Commit to something and make lame excuses at the last minute.

Seriously, that’s just childish. Don’t be afraid to decline invitations/responsibilities for fear of hurting someone or burning your film. Sincerity, always!

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29. Not taking responsibility for things.

We are so joveeeens, but not so much! Face life head on and learn to face it. That’s what being an adult is, babe!

30.Not believing in your potential.

It’s not just in adolescence that we devalue ourselves at times. Day to day perrengues sometimes get us off the axis, but don’t let them knock you down. Head up, OK?

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