Home » News » Marília Mendonça reveals the name of the baby, who even has a fan club!

Marília Mendonça reveals the name of the baby, who even has a fan club!

Ah, what the birthday of Marília Mendonça it was great this year! She turned 24 and won a surprise party all decorated with pandas, on Monday (22). And later, she even joined her friends and bae Murilo Huff at a baby shower. The second, by the way, because she had already gained one of the fans.


In this, she said very emotional, that she is expecting a boy. And it even has a name: “Oh, I’m going to faint, it’s Léo, guys!”, announces the singer. If she were a girl, the chosen name would be Marcela.


You see, the little prince of suffering hasn’t even arrived yet and he even has a fan club. On the same day it was announced, a fan has already created an Instagram account dedicated to the singer’s son. And of course, it already has more followers than you and me combined.


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Marília revealed the pregnancy in June and is in the second month of pregnancy. The baby is the result of the relationship between the sertanejos, who have been together for about a year.

See more photos of the tea and notice: on one side, the decoration is blue and on the other, it’s pink.

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