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6 goals to pursue in 2019

With the month of December, it’s normal for us to start thinking and evaluating everything we’ve done, because the year is ending and we need to reflect on everything. Now is the time to make plans for the year ahead.

To ensure that your ideas never get off the ground, we’ve summoned experts from different areas with valuable advice.

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1. Run a 5km race

Crossing the finish line of a race can mean a personal victory. It’s not easy to abandon a sedentary lifestyle or leave your comfort zone, but it’s possible. The first step is to see a doctor for a checkup. With clinical approval, think about whether you prefer to train on the treadmill or on the street.

“The ideal place is the one where you adapt, reducing the lack of training”, says personal trainer Cau Saad, from São Paulo. “Take it slow and stimulate yourself in other ways. Bodybuilding, for example, improves physical resistance and the cardiovascular system”. Gradually increase the intensity, but pay attention to physical signs such as muscle and joint pain. If you practice at the gym, don’t forget to try the asphalt before the big day.

2. Do a digital detox

Throw the first cell phone who has never lost many minutes on social networks. Excess posts and new photos popping up all the time can undermine useful time and self-esteem. “We forget that it is a varnished section of reality and we question the quality of our day-to-day life”, argues psychologist Cristiano Nabuco, coordinator of the Technological Dependency Nucleus at the Institute of Psychiatry at the University of São Paulo.

The key to achieving the balance between real and digital is to maintain control. There is a red alert when the biggest concern in the face of an event is whether you will be able to photograph it or whether you will have internet access to share everything simultaneously. The same goes for WhatsApp groups. You don’t have to be online and available all the time.

“Select important contacts, such as family members, and turn off other notifications. Keep in mind that you are the one who decides when to check them.” Please feel free to exercise your right to respond when you see fit. “Restrict certain information, such as the double tick when the message is read, to protect yourself. You have the right to disconnect and others will have to understand.”

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3. Pay for the dream trip

“It’s easier to save when we have a well-defined objective”, guarantees Carol Sandler, financial consultant and columnist for CLAUDIA. She suggests a detailed search on the internet to define the costs of the trip. “Include airline tickets, transfers, accommodation, daily expenses with food and transportation, as well as an extra for shopping and unforeseen events”, advises the author of the book Women’s Finance: How to Learn to Invest and Make Your Dreams Come True (Saraiva).

After knowing how much your trip costs, it’s time to pull the bank statement and underline the expendables. Put on the list the apps you subscribe to and don’t even open, small amounts with a taxi, bank services you pay for and don’t use. Cut what is possible. It’s worth doing the same at the supermarket. “Establish weekly trips based on a menu. It’s better to buy real food than canned food. Tomatoes are cheaper than ready-made sauce.”

With expenses eliminated, leave for registrations on websites with ticket promotions. You can stipulate the date and configure alerts for price decreases. Six months before you leave, make it a habit to change a little money into local currency on a monthly basis. “That way you reduce losses in case of currency fluctuations”, explains Carol. Know how much you can disburse, preventing debts from turning memories into a headache when you return. “If you go abroad, count on the IOF tax on credit card purchases.”

4. Increase the time to take care of yourself

The hashtag #selfcare already has more than 10 million mentions on Instagram. The term gained not only notoriety but also fans of the moment of disconnecting from the rush of the day to focus on oneself. It’s worth making a face mask or even cooking your favorite dish. It’s about the ability to dedicate yourself to your own well-being without fear of sounding selfish.

“When we enjoy our company, we also become better people in our relationships with others”, says coach Vivian Wolff, from São Paulo. It means blocking out your schedule and treating such occasions with the same seriousness with which we take professional commitments. “Book one day a week. It may not work the first or second time, but you won’t be able to snooze reminders on your calendar or phone forever, and you’ll find a way to honor them.”

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She still considers that one of the pillars of looking at herself is the practice of mindfulness, a method that seeks to guide thoughts towards the present moment. “Relaxation, stress reduction, improved focus and even increased emotional management capacity are benefits observed after some time”, guarantees Vivian.

5. Multiply the books read

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Today it is common to see books accumulating dust on the bedside table. Whether in a hurry or the temptation to scroll through the Facebook feed, literature has taken a backseat to many people. But the routine of getting lost in the pages is still very good for the mind and relaxes after a busy day.

To engage in reading, lawyer Pedro Pacífico, who maintains a virtual book club with more than 70,000 followers on the @book.ster profile on Instagram, ensures that the first step is to choose a preferred genre or subject. Then look for smaller volumes when you go to the bookstore. “It’s not always the bestseller that will hook you. Start with shorter versions and set a minimum number of pages per day. In my case, it’s three. This makes it more difficult to lose the thread of the story and see the interest in the work wane.”

Those who are not a fan of paper can resort to a digital reader. Light enough to carry in your purse, it has an internal light, unlike the cell phone screen, which eliminates ambient lighting. No ideas to start? Pedro, who has already lost count of how many volumes he has devoured, is enchanted by the Portuguese author Valter Hugo Mãe.

6. Buy less and better

How many times have you invested in a pair of shoes that made your feet uncomfortable all day? “The secret to a good wardrobe is honesty. “Buy items for the life you lead, not the life you dream of,” advises style consultant Thais Farage, from São Paulo.

Selection is an exercise in self-knowledge, and a trained eye prevents impulsiveness when faced with promotions. The expert lists four pieces of advice for putting together a good collection, in which all the pieces talk to each other.

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Fast game

Technology is an ally in meeting objective goals. Apps with reminders, customized schedules and even inspirational content give you that push to set up a new routine. All work on Android and iOS operating systems.

To relax

  • Headspace: Guided meditations in English with gradual increase in duration for beginners. Free with in-app purchases.
  • Zen: Exercises to exercise mindfulness and breathing, manage stress and reduce anxiety. Free with in-app purchases.

to exercise

  • Strava: Training analysis, records. Offers routes linked to the cell phone’s GPS. Free with in-app purchases.
  • Yoga Studio: It groups together easy tutorial videos to adopt the practice without leaving home. Free with in-app purchases.

to organize the time

  • Forest: Block social media so you don’t lose focus on activities. If you stick, you lose the challenge. It costs 7.90 reais.
  • Trello: It organizes the workflow and allows you to set deadlines to avoid delays. Free with in-app purchases.

To improve sleep

  • sleepzy: Evaluates the quality of sleep and defines the best times for a restorative night. Free with in-app purchases.
  • sleepo: Simulates nature noises to help those who suffer from insomnia. It can be used offline. Free with in-app purchases.

to collect money

  • Money Care: It organizes cash entries, allows you to configure fixed expenses and shows graphs of the evolution of your finances. Free.
  • Splitwise: Ideal for those who share house and bills. Allows you to add people to apportionments. Free with in-app purchases.

to travel more

  • Kayak: Compare prices for airline tickets, accommodation and car rentals, showing the best offer. Free.
  • Best exchange rate: Connected to exchange offices, it points out the lowest rates of the day to buy foreign currency. Free.

Read too: 7 fitness trends to embrace in 2019

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