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9 Advice from Grandmas on Baby Care Questioned by Doctors

Scholars confirm that some grandmothers and some grandfathers did not correctly update their knowledge about baby care. Based solely on their own personal experience, older generations often give young parents tips long considered obsolete. And many of them are even risky.

O awesome.club followed discussion forums among parents and also articles written by professional pediatricians to understand what advice is outdated and what guidelines are usually passed from generation to generation.

1. If the newborn is not swaddled well, he will have clubfeet

Previously, it was considered mandatory to wrap the baby tightly, as this would help keep the legs in a straight position. Without it, the bones would not acquire the desired shape and the feet would become crooked.

But pediatricians say swaddling doesn’t just affect the legs, but also threatens the correct development of the hip. It is even recommended to wrap the baby in a blanket to reassure him. But usually this measure is indicated for restless children, with disorders or colic. On the other hand, if the baby falls asleep easily, it does not need to be swaddled.

2. The house that will receive the newborn must be very warm.

Not really. Overheating is even as dangerous for the baby as hypothermia. Nurses recommend keeping the children’s room at a temperature of around 20°C.

When seeing these numbers, a newborn’s grandmother will certainly put her hands on her head, stating that “the boy will freeze!” But according to doctors, at such a temperature, the child’s sleep improves. Not to mention that, in this way, the mucous membrane of the nose does not dry out, and the child breathes more easily.

3. To soothe a baby, dip your pacifier in something sweet

Many grandmothers recommend dabbing something sweet on the pacifier to soothe a crying baby. In some countries, honey, peanut butter, and dairy products are used. But pediatricians are totally against this practice.

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The products mentioned can trigger allergies, and it is impossible to know in advance how the newborn’s body will react to these elements. In addition, when the child’s teeth begin to come out, there is a risk of developing cavities due to sugar. And honey is also able to become a cause of botulism.

And, obviously, giving a child a pacifier has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the ideal is always to follow the guidelines of pediatricians.

4. The baby’s bed must have a blanket and pillow

In the old days, many mothers made the baby’s bed as if it were a miniature copy of their own bed. It was common to see wooden cribs with a small pillow and a mini blanket.

However, pediatricians are always reminding that, in the crib, there should be nothing but the mattress and sheets. No pillows, blankets or toys, as all these increase the risk of accidental suffocation. If the room is very cold, it is better to put the baby in warm pajamas than to cover him with a blanket.

5. Newborns need to sleep on their stomachs

At first glance, this advice seems completely logical: lay the baby on his stomach so that, in case of reflux, he does not choke. But the doctors concluded that this position is the most dangerous, why:

may cause airway obstruction; stomach and diaphragm are under a dangerous strain; position can cause overheating.

The ideal is to lay the baby on his stomach. The child’s head should be turned to the side.

6. The baby must sleep in absolute silence

Adults find it difficult to sleep when there is an annoying noise: a dripping faucet or someone talking in the next room. But in the case of newborns, noise can even help them fall asleep.🇧🇷 There is only one condition: the noise must be uniform, and not increase by the time the child falls asleep.

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A newborn can sleep peacefully with his mother next to him talking on the phone or if there is a leak behind the wall. Sometimes children even like the so-called “white noise” because, first of all, they fall asleep faster with a monotonous noise. And secondly, falling asleep from the noise, babies do not wake up if you suddenly decide to vacuum the hallway or wash the dishes in the kitchen.

7. The child must be fed at established times

Not only grandmothers, but also some doctors recommend feeding newborns according to a planned schedule. However, in reality, this method leaves both mother and baby on edge.🇧🇷 In addition, pediatricians do not see anything wrong with giving the baby food not according to the hours, but by demand: no doctor recommends leaving the baby hungry.

However, we are not talking about powdered milk or formulas, which are given according to the feeding schedule.

8. Weaning should occur as soon as possible

Often, young parents end up listening to the stories of their older relatives about how, after three months, they should give the baby ground yolk, and after four months, feed the child. But doctors would never give such advice.

It is certainly not worth introducing complementary foods too early. According to WHO recommendations, it is necessary to change the baby’s menu only after 6 months.

9. Animal milk is better than powdered milk

Every family has a story about when the young mother ran out of milk in her breast and the young father had to run out to buy fresh milk from the old lady who raised goats or cows in the village. This is usually remembered as a feat, as the parents would have been able to rid their child of formula milk, which would be rich in chemicals.

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But doctors do not see any feats in this, rather a risk to the health of the newborn. After all, nowadays, powdered milk has been replaced by so-called formulas, produced according to the needs of each age for babies who, for some reason, cannot take breast milk and even as a complement to breastfeeding🇧🇷

Animal milk can be dangerous at first for the following reasons:

The product contains a lot of minerals, which can put a strain on the kidneys of a newborn. At the same time, it does not have the right amount of iron, which can end up causing iron deficiency anemia. It also lacks vitamin C in the right dose. The proteins contained in milk of animal origin can irritate the intestinal mucosa. Animal milk can cause allergies. Also, due to the unbalanced content, such milk can accelerate weight gain.

Therefore, we cannot give animal milk to a child under 1 year old.

Although previous generations raised their children differently, we must not forget that grandmothers are a great source of useful information, not to mention the experience and support they offer. Don’t reject the advice they want to give. Instead, try to justify your point of view, read medical articles along with her, and bring her along to her pediatrician appointment.

And remember: she doesn’t mean your baby’s harm, quite the contrary: she wants to take care of him the same way she took care of you.

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