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8 books that changed the lives of celebrities (Zuckerberg’s we really didn’t expect)

A book read at the right time can have an amazing effect on a person’s life. And from this it is easy to find many examples. However, it is more impressive to know how great examples of literature influenced some people who changed the world to their bones. That’s what happened to Albert Einstein, Gabriel García Márquez and other celebrities in this post.

O incredible.club compiled for you several incredible stories about how books influenced the lives of some celebrities. And that, in turn, has changed science, culture, and economics around the world. Once again, we prove that the word has incalculable power!

After reading the metamorphosis, by Kafka, García Márquez realized that he should be a writer. He used to read to sleep, but with this book that wasn’t the case. The work affected him so much that he could hardly sleep, and the next morning he immediately started writing.

He explained very well how it happened: “the metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, from the first line marked my new path in life. The new day saw me with the typewriter I was loaned to try to create something similar to Kafka’s poor bureaucrat turned into a cockroach. For the next few days I didn’t go to the university, fearing the magic would wear off; envy, which turned into beads of sweat, covered my face.

7. J.K. Rowling, Emmaby Jane Austen

Jane Austen is J.K. Rowling’s favorite author, and specifically Emma, ​​her favorite novel. What impressed Rowling about this work was the mastery with which Austen described the secret about Frank and Jane’s relationship, which torments the reader throughout the book. Rowling confessed that she had worked hard all her life, but creating an intrigue like Austen’s proved impossible. We believe that in part she succeeded with Sudden death🇧🇷

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O treatise on human nature It consists of three books: of understanding🇧🇷 of the passions and of the moral🇧🇷 In the first, Hume, a famous Scottish philosopher, talks about the relativity of concepts such as space, time and knowledge, as well as probability, including the notions of cause and effect.

Einstein spoke on more than one occasion about the important role that the “treaty” played in his life and how it pushed him towards the creation of the Theory of Relativity. Thus, the work helped him to move away from the usual concepts of space and time and to formulate the main postulates of his work. “Probably, I would never have come to these conclusions if I had not read these philosophical works,” the scientist admitted.

Physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman had numerous unusual interests: from music to opening safes. And besides, he was a great writer and humorist. His autobiographical book, full of humor and funny stories, became a real bestseller.

What impressed Brin most was how open Feynman was to everything new and how he tried to become the Leonardo da Vinci of his day. Sergei realized how important it was to be creative and develop your own personality. This, in large part, is what defined Google’s success.

Many were impressed with The perfume, but rare people dare to say they love this book. Kurt Cobain was one of those few, he always carried the book with him, and he often reread it. This title seems to have influenced him, but not in the best way. “I read The perfume at least a dozen times and I still can’t stop, I’m a hypochondriac and that’s why it influences me so much: it turns me upside down”, he said in an interview months before his death.

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Marginalized and lonely, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille does not find love or compassion in anyone, but he manufactures a perfume with an incomparable effect on the whole Earth. Many are willing to see a parallel here with Cobain’s own life. By the way, he used the plot of the book in the song “Scentless Apprentice” from the album in utero🇧🇷

3. Mark Zuckerberg, Aeneid by Virgil

Zuckerberg read Aeneid when he studied Latin at school. The poem tells the story of Aeneas, the legendary hero of Troy, who moved to Italy with the rest of his people and founded the city of Lavinium. Mark admitted that what most impressed him about the work was the protagonist’s desire to build a city that he did not know “the limits of time and splendor”. This moment in the book influenced his attitude towards life, as well as his desire to set his own goals.

Zuckerberg’s former partner, Sean Parker, confirms: “He dreamed of greatness, he had imperial ambitions, both at the age of 20 and now, he is the living image of the protagonist of one of these
Greek myths”.

2. Marilyn Monroe, Ulyssesby James Joyce

This photo of Marilyn Monroe reading Ulysses is considered one of the most interesting and famous images of this sex symbol of all time. “She said she kept Ulysses in his car and read it for a long time,” recalled photographer Eve Arnold. “Marilyn stated that she liked the way this book sounded, so she would read it aloud.”

The author who most influenced Hemingway of all writers (and he read mountains of books) was Leo Tolstoy: he loved War and Peace. The Russian realist impressed Hemingway with his frankness and intensity in his portrayal of social evil. In his novels, the American writer also raised this issue of morality and the search for meaning in life.

Hemingway, who compared literature to boxing, spoke of Tolstoy’s greatness: “I started modestly and defeated Mr. Turgenev, ”he said. “Afterwards, it cost me a lot, I defeated Mr. Guy de Maupassant. With Mr. Stendhal I had two draws, but it seems that in the last round I won on points, but no one could force me to jump in the ring against Mr. Tolstoy”.

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