Home » Guidance » 21 Images of some projects that could have continued only on paper

21 Images of some projects that could have continued only on paper

Have you ever thought if you hire a service and it is so poorly done that you doubt the professional’s ability? Because that’s how many people can feel when they are faced with such atrocities committed by people who classified themselves as “professionals” of construction work.

Today the incredible.club selected several images that are a real flaw in the matrix, oops, in the design. Be sure to check it out.

1. “A bike path where you have to dodge the surrounding landscape”

2. “One of my screws had no threads”

3. Vaguely dangerous playground slide

4. “When you put your hand under it, water comes out everywhere”

5. “This crosswalk in Taguig”

6. “Bathroom for the disabled which is impossible to enter”

7. Looks like someone forgot to put the other side of the key ring on

8. “It has a bidet. And a toilet. In separate rooms. Side by side”

9. “I see you hiding the stop sign!”

10. “I don’t think they understood the gravity of the situation”

11. “The Perfect Gate”

12. “It looks like gut plants are growing on this chair thanks to the design”

13. An outlet not adapted for computer chargers

14. “My job changed the women’s bathroom. Now they have two urinals and a private toilet.”

15. “My college apartment has a drawer you can’t open, apparently the kitchen designer forgot that stoves have doors”

16. “The fridge in my new house bumps into the dishwasher. The fridge is already dented and scratched from hitting it so much.”

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17. “My work bathroom sink”

18. “My neighbors added a… lobby? Prohibited? To your house and, well…”

19. “The synthesis of Brazil in one image”

20. For those looking for privacy, this is the place

21. We need to think about accessibility. yes boss

Have any home or street renovations been done by dubious designers? If the answer is no, how would you handle this situation? Tell us in the comments! 🇧🇷

Note: This article was updated in October 2022 to correct source material and/or factual inaccuracies.

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