Home » Guidance » 18 photos that show the power of a good binge

18 photos that show the power of a good binge

More than 50% of adults have lost consciousness of their own actions at least once in their lives. In the morning, some are really surprised to learn what they did the night before.

Have you ever attended a party so heavy that you didn’t remember anything the next day? Or did you wake up and find yourself with a shaved head and a painted body? The protagonists of the photos below went through these and more!

O awesome.club he found true “kings of the cabin”, who detonated at parties, but who became the targets of the most bizarre jokes. Be yourself:

Almost convinces like a real face

When drinking makes you too boring and your friends decide to do something about it

It was great, friend

Frida, is that you?

clown version pinheadthe terrifying character from “Hellraiser”

That was heavy!

What does it mean to have healthy sleep? Or would it be having vegetarian dreams?

Zach Galifianakis preparing for the Oscars ceremony

Angel in her drunk version

Level of annoyance in drinking: 110%

When you don’t have the money for a Halloween costume, so you decide to use what you had in the kitchen.

a very difficult morning

That’s why it’s important not to part with your pillow

No comments. And don’t unicorns exist?

When you’re very thirsty but don’t want to get up all the time to drink water

Apparently, the party took place in the woods and one of the guests was a Yeti, the abominable snowman.

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new bathroom table

When you’re really drunk but your mom shows up and you need to act like a normal person

And you, have you ever been to a party as crazy as the ones shown in these photos? Do you have fun photos of those moments? Share them with us in the comments section! That is, if you’re not ashamed of them…

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