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20+ Birds So Cute They’re As Fun As Children

Two caracaras “making a deal” on the windowsill, a gang of naked baby parakeets, an owl attacking bananas and pelicans slaying a selfie — the bird world is so much more than just pushy pigeons and pesky seagulls! Lucky for us, there are a plethora of fun and cute birds that could very well inspire characters for Disney’s upcoming animations!

we, from awesome.club, we consider that birds have a lot in common with children. And as such, they also like to get up to great pranks. Check out our post!

1. “I’m not touching… I’m not touching…”

2. “I live in constant fear”

3. The real purpose of the handles on the mugs: to support lazy little birds

4. “Deal done, brother”

5. “I shouldn’t have fed a duck yesterday”

6. Little owl coming out of the bath

7. “We found a baby parrot on the road a few days ago. Initially, he wouldn’t even look at us, but now he asks for affection at bedtime.”

8. “I can never get a nice picture of the three of them together”

9. Just beautiful parrots enjoying the rainwater. Now you can keep scrolling!

10. “He stayed in this position, muttering under his breath for about five minutes, just because I wouldn’t let him chew my cell phone case”

11. This little guy just wants to have fun!

12. Apparently, owls and bananas don’t get along very well

13. Did someone mention food?

14. When you have to deal with a very loose crowd

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15. The Marilyn Monroe of Pigeons

16. Just a peck

17. Baby parrots may be a little weird, but they’re no less cute!

18. Photo taken a second before the disaster…

19. “This photo shows a pelican trying to eat my phone”

20. Sometimes birds perfectly translate the relationship between siblings

21. “I have four feathered friends who visit my window every day asking for breakfast”

22. “My dad sent me this selfie”

23. “One day, I’ll be able to look at myself in the mirror the way this bird looks at itself”

24. Me: “I don’t want another bird. They always just want to know about you, they don’t even care about me!”

another bird:

25. Morning snuggle

26. This is what we call a 100% exclusive eyewear model!

27. “I can smell seeds around here”

28. “Does anyone else have a bird that sleeps in this position?”

29. A true gentleman

Do you have or have you ever had pets with feathers? If you were to choose to live with a bird, which would you prefer, and why? Leave your comment!

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