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4 Rockefeller Family Wealth Principles

A century and a half ago, oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller earned his first five dollars. Several decades passed and he became the first billionaire on the Planet. His descendants not only did not waste the inheritance of the famous ancestor, but managed to multiply it. Today, the family has more than 500 descendants of the first billionaire in history.

One of the most “notable” representatives of the Rockefellers today is David Jr., who shared the principles that guide the wealthy family and allow them to perpetuate the high standard of living.

O awesome.club brings here some of those rules that, although simple, seem very efficient.

1. Periodic family meetings

The Rockefellers organize family gatherings regularly. Maintaining a warm relationship between all the members of the huge family, with members living in different countries, is not easy. Despite this, they try to stay together. “Often, more than 100 family members gather in the same room, for example, for Christmas dinner,” says David Jr. Rockefeller.

Furthermore, the family has a tradition of holding so-called forums, in which all members aged 21 and over participate to discuss important issues, including business and charitable initiatives. In the image above, we can see the Rockefellers during a meeting in 2008. In the center, David, one of the leaders of the family.

2. Family values

Another important factor is the search for the preservation of family history🇧🇷 The Rockefellers carefully guard important documents, letters, and memorabilia. For that, they have a special file. The family farms are also protected. David Rockefeller says familiar places are very important: “I can go back to the place where my great-grandfather lived over 100 years ago and see how he and his children and grandchildren lived.”

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3. Family business? that nothing

The third important factor in the success of the Rockefeller children is the fact that the company is not family🇧🇷 In 1911, the US government demanded that the oil monopoly be divided into smaller companies. Furthermore, the sons and grandsons of John D. Rockefeller never tried to follow in his footsteps, as that would have been easy: one became an economist, the other a politician, while some turned to charity.

4. Charity

According to David Rockefeller Jr., the key to family success lies in children’s participation in charities and charities🇧🇷 From childhood, little ones learn the importance of philanthropy and love for others. David himself made his first donation when he was just 10 years old.

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