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10+ Sustainable Inventions That Are Helping to Save the Planet

Humanity has been consuming more natural resources for some time than the Earth is capable of replenishing. Another report shows that, if every human being had the lifestyle of an average American, it would take the equivalent of four planets to take care of producing cars, food and real estate, for example, to pay for this lifestyle. “But unfortunately we don’t have a ‘back up’ planet”, says a specialized website.

The good news is that there are a lot of forward-thinking people who are thinking of ways to help stop this process. These are often simple ideas that can make a big difference.

O awesome.club presents a collection of enduring inventions that are changing the way humans and nature coexist. And at the end of the post you will find a great bonus!

1. LifeStraw, a device that filters contaminated water, making it fresh and drinkable

Considered villains due to the contamination of the oceans, straws can be a ‘good’ object. LifeStraw is a device that is giving thousands of people living in poverty the opportunity to drink water without being afraid of getting sick because of the bacteria it may contain. It consists of hollow and fibrous membranes that have microscopic pores, responsible for capturing contaminants. It’s also a great solution for all adventurers who often end up staying in areas with contaminated water.

2. A lamp that grows plants

3. Soccket, a soccer ball that produces energy

The Soccket is a portable generator that harnesses and stores game energy. It is used as a source of energy in areas where access to resources is limited.

4. Ecoegg, a green alternative to laundry soap

Ecoegg is a mineral-based laundry system that works without the use of chemicals. The device is environmentally friendly, has not been tested on animals, and is made from recyclable materials wherever possible. It’s much more durable than your regular laundry detergent and still costs less.

5. Ooho, all-you-can-eat bottled water

Made with seaweed extracts, this container is not only sustainable but also edible. The Ooho bottle was created to deal with the garbage that invades our Planet. It also serves as an excellent alternative to plastic containers.

6. A mask that filters out air pollution

WAIR is a mask created to protect people from air pollution, especially in big cities. The device has a filter that prevents bacteria, gases, allergens and other tiny particles from entering. The creators recommend that you change the filter every month to ensure the mask works properly.

7. The Cora Ball, a device that removes microplastics from washing

One of the biggest challenges the world faces today is the microplastics that flow into the ocean every time we use the washing machine to wash synthetic fiber garments. Cora’s ball is a device that removes small plastic particles from clothes during the wash cycle to prevent them from going into the water and sewer system.

8. Piñatex, a natural fabric made from pineapple leaf fiber

9. SALt, a luminaire that works with water and salt

The SALt luminaire is a device that only requires a glass of water and two tablespoons of salt to provide enough light at night. And in case you don’t have salt, you can also use sea water. The invention is especially useful in countries where there is no electricity.

10. Trishula, cutlery you can eat!

Trishula is an Indian company that produces edible cutlery made from rice, sorghum and wheat flour. The mixture is kneaded with hot water and placed in the moulds. The products are 100% natural, which reduces the effect of waste on the environment and improves people’s well-being, as the ingredients do not contain chemicals or additives.

11. Dueacca, an ecological faucet

Dueacca is a faucet made with 100% recyclable materials to reduce the amount of non-recyclable waste. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, and as it is small in size, it can be placed anywhere. Each product has a system that limits the flow of water through the faucet, which helps to reduce the amount used.

12. BirkSun, a backpack that carries your cell phone

BirkSun is a company that invented solar backpacks that are used to charge devices when there is no access to electricity. Backpacks are waterproof, durable and lightweight. Also, your solar panels are not easily damaged. Backpacks can be used both for outdoor activities, hiking and trails, as well as for urban activities and to transport your work objects in big cities. After all, she is super cool, as you can see from the photos above.

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Bonus: Passionflowermade, Living Gems

Passionflowermade is a live flower jewelry that can be worn for up to four weeks. And, when the tiara, or bracelet withers, can be planted in a pot, which means it can be both a stylish accessory and an eco-friendly solution at the same time.

Which device did you find most useful for the environment? And which one would you definitely like to buy?

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