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30+ Quotes by Marcos Piangers to think about the relationship with his son

Marcos Piangers from Santa Catarina is an Internet phenomenon. Author, among others, of the best seller “O Papai é Pop”, he has more than 3.5 million followers on his social networks and is also one of the most sought-after speakers in Brazil when it comes to creativity, technologies and innovation.

However, what impacts the most is the way he talks about his daughters and how it is possible to learn from them. O Incredible.club gathered some phrases that will make you rethink how you deal with your children.

The generation of new parents is more participatory, affectionate and present. And I hope it stays that way, for the sake of the children and the happiness of the parents. The only item of value in life is the time you spend with the ones you love. People value money too much, not remembering that money is often overrated. I guarantee you would trade money for longer with people you love. We only touch it when time passes and the children grow up. It may not seem like it, but the world is full of good people. They are around. If you can’t find them, be one.

The modern father doesn’t have that distance that we were used to in the 80’s and 90’s. When they showed up at the house, the kids were silent, they stopped running, they kind of hid so they wouldn’t get scolded. To parents who have maintained artificial distances from their children, I can only say one thing: you don’t know what you’ve lost. What does a man lose who leaves a pregnant woman? Waking up next to the cutest thing in the world. Being kind is better than being right… being polite is better than being honest.

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Gift suggestion for Children’s Day: Talk to your children about feelings. Having kids is like having the sun by your side, no matter how cold it is outside. At the end of the book, the Nutty Boy grows up. The book says, “He grew up to be a nice guy! In fact, he became the nicest guy in the world!”. At that moment, Aurora (my daughter) looked and said: “Mom, so this book is about Dad!”. Be the hero your child believes you are. Because we’re in need of heroes. Heroes who make their children proud.

If you really want to give a good Mother’s Day gift, if you really want to please her…don’t buy expensive gifts. Mother’s Day gifts are spread throughout the year. Stay on your cell phone less. If you still live with her, make the effort to help. Listen to what she asks carefully. Respect her. If you no longer live with your mother, call more often. Text her at random times telling her you love her. Say it with hearts, with grateful emojis. Glad you exist. Everyone is fighting their own battles and our only obligation is to help others whenever possible. That there is only one rule: you have to be kind.

A tragedy is not to value family life. A tragedy is exchanging our son’s smile for the cell phone. A family walk through the worries of work. A tragedy is to spend your life in white. A tragedy is to think that one day we will be happy, not today. And life is for later. I think it’s a tragedy when we learn to value what we have only after losing. I think it’s a tragedy to live on appearances. I think it’s a tragedy that I bought things thinking that would be happiness. Death is not a tragedy. Tragedy is when we didn’t live.

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Something changes inside us, I don’t know how to explain it. He cries over anything, feels fulfilled over a silly thing, wants to know what really matters in life. Our kids are always saying goodbye to us. When they learn to walk, they are saying their first goodbye to us… when they learn to talk… they learn to eat alone. They spend the years saying little “goodbyes” to us, gaining autonomy. We’ll be clapping… happy for them. But they are saying goodbye to us. They will form their families. We will miss your limitations. We’ll be hoping for a call on Sunday. Missing someone, with seven letters.

You didn’t become a father because you’re going to spend the second Sunday in August with your kids. You became a father because you stayed overnight, changed diapers, took them to daycare and cried during the adaptation period. What will define whether we are great parents is not the amount of Father’s Day we spend together with our children, but the amount of normal days. Fatherhood is the greatest human experience. It makes us more sensitive, more generous, more human. I want hugs, like I get every day. Handwritten cards, like the ones that fill my wallet. Noisy good morning kisses, like the ones that wake me up every morning.

Bonus: A Message to Parents

The family is very important to parents and children, regardless of the sizes and shapes they have. Talk, hug, play, give affection, life goes too fast not to say I love you every day.

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