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4 Cases in which psychologists can breach the confidentiality of their patients

One of the people we can trust blindly is our therapist. Psychologists are professionals trained to help us overcome difficulties and lead a fuller life. And for that, we must entrust our deepest desires and fears to them, in a safe and unprejudiced environment. It is true that they are sworn under a code of ethics to keep our confidences confidential, but although it seems contradictory, there are certain occasions when not only can, but must, share them even without our consent, these reasons being similar in different countries.

O awesome.club wants to tell you under what circumstances, in most countries, a psychologist can reveal what he has talked to his patient about. The cases vary from nation to nation, but in general they are as follows.

1. When the patient is a potential danger to people

Although they must adhere to professional confidentiality, psychotherapists in most countries must report on those patients in whom they perceive behaviors or thoughts that may affect physical integrity of other people or who have committed serious crimes. Alerting the relevant authorities can prevent tragedies; therefore, in this case, the professional must break confidentiality.

This applies to people who confess to having tried to use violence against strangers or who reveal that they have already done so. It also includes patients who declare that they are planning hurt close peoplesuch as in cases of domestic violence, abuse or neglect of minors, as well as the elderly or people with disabilities.

2. When the patient is a potential danger to himself

Patients in therapy are going through difficult times. Therefore, in many cases, they may try to vent their frustration on their own bodies. People with these disorders can confess to the psychologist that they are trying or that they already practice some type of violence against themselves and even possible suicidal intentions🇧🇷 Because it is a real risk, professionals are obliged to report the most urgent cases. This would happen, for example, if a person reveals that he wants to take his own life – as we have just mentioned -, which causes the psychotherapist to be forced to share what the patient confessed during the session.

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3. When the patient is suffering some kind of injustice or abuse

If the person has been abused and the aggressor continues to act, the therapist must, in most countries, share information about their patient. The risk that the abuser will continue to abuse other individuals and children is enough for a psychologist to be forced to go to the authorities and report what he heard in the therapy session.

4. When you are subpoenaed by a legal process

Therapists may share information if they receive a court order to do it. This happens when a patient’s mental health is questioned during a legal proceeding; therefore, confirmation from the psychologist is necessary to resolve issues related to the case.

Bonus: When the therapist shares information about a minor with their parents

An ethical dilemma experienced by professionals in this area concerns whether or not to share with parents aspects related to the lives of younger children — such as, for example, in relation to sexuality or drug use. At four walls, it is clear that the professional’s objective is to make the young person feel as comfortable as possible and open the game. The most common, in most countries, is, in a first session, for therapists to align with the parents and the patient what the rules of this game will be.

So, with the child’s consent, all parties will know what to do. This agreement does not apply only to those cases where the patient is involved in any of the circumstances mentioned above.

In the Brazilian case, the issue related to professional secrecy is regulated by the Federal Council of Psychology, which makes available, on its website, the Code of Ethics that governs the work of professionals in this sector.

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Did you know that in most countries, psychologists can reveal their patients’ confidences in these situations? Does your profession require any specific type of confidentiality? Tell us in the comments section.

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