Why does it happen and how to deal with twin flame separation?
If you have met your twin flame, you will have no doubt that the two of you are destined to share a path in life.
It is that twin flame connection is felt instantly.
It is a union similar to that of soul mates, but even deeper.
It could be said that twin flames are two parts of the same thing. In many ways, they are and always will be one. They are mirror souls, they challenge and complement each other.
If you’re not sure if you’ve met your twin flame or even if you have one, here are some clues.
They can be identified in four main ways: emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.
In general, the harmony in these aspects between twin flames is like no other.
Due to this fact, the journey of two twin flames is usually long, intense and difficult.
All twin flame relationships go through different stages or phases on this journey.
One of the most common and most difficult phases is what is often called the separation phase.
When this happens, it is sudden and clear.
Both flames are confused and full of sadness.
It’s also important to note that every relationship is different; no twin flame journey is the same.
That being said, the reason twin flames break up is most often due to personal growth.
Let’s go over the five big reasons why you and your twin flame might have broken up.
So you will know what you need to do if you want him to come back to your side.
1) Lack of self-love
One of the most important keys to living a satisfying life is learning to love yourself.
With the ability to love yourself comes the ability to genuinely love and help others.
This is true for all relationships and especially in the case of twin flames.
Since twin flames are so closely intertwined, a lack of self-love will result in relationship problems.
It can be a big reason why you are facing separation from your twin flame.
Twin flame relationships will challenge you, and a lot, but it will help you see who you really are.
When you or your twin flame display a lack of self-love, it can be painfully obvious and seem impossible to handle.
The pain may still be fresh, but looking back to discover why you have parted ways with your twin flame will help you begin to heal.
2) Psychological and spiritual weakness
Mental growth is a key part of maturing and developing as an individual.
There will always be things that come up in our lives that test our psychological and spiritual strength.
Psychological maturity is vital, to cope with the stresses of life as we grow up.
The ego is one of the biggest things that can hinder spiritual development and growth.
In a twin flame relationship, you are one of two parties. Many compare it to being a soul separated into two bodies.
And that doesn’t really leave much room for ego, does it?
And when the ego is tested, threatened, or told that it is less important than anything else, it tends to get very angry.
A reactive ego, leading to separation from a twin flame is a great sign of psychological and spiritual weakness.
It is the cause that could divide you and your twin flame.
3) A genesis for healing
Twin flame unions have a higher path than the two people on it.
The reason for the separation does not have to be for one person or another. He may pull away, or you may feel the need to.
It may be for a greater reason, one that could eventually bring the two together once more.
Perhaps one of the two flames was being too codependent, or too controlling and toxic.
Or maybe both of you weren’t healthy in the relationship.
Whatever the reason, the separation becomes the source for healing.
4) Reflect negative traits
The twin flame relationship is a journey of personal growth.
The ability of two twin flames to be together has to do with the personal growth of each one.
This is actually so for all relationships. The exchange with another is always an opportunity to see traits of ourselves.
And in the case of twin flames this is perceived more intensely.
Twin flames are often called mirror souls as well. When two mirror souls come together, they mirror each other.
That’s why the love and the bond are so strong, and that’s why this type of relationship is so extraordinary.
It is also one of the main reasons why twin flames plunge into stages of separation.
They show and mirror each other the worst parts of themselves and that is something that is not easy to deal with.
Together with your twin flame you will see how many traits you have to work on.
Having those aspects put in front of you, all the time, becomes unbearable.
The separation almost has to happen to allow those things to be revealed and then corrected.
5) Logistics, time and distance
A twin flame connection is long lasting.
The two of them will go through the most exciting events of life together.
Both will have ups and downs, twists and turns. Their paths may twist and stray at different times, but still, they will have each other.
It may be that the reason you and your twin flame are apart is because it is a necessary part of that life path.
His goals, ambitions and plans can take him away from you.
It could be a timing problem, maybe now is not the right time for you to be together. You cannot fully connect with your twin flame during this period.
You should know that everything will be alright, because it is part of the journey that the two of you are on together.
You are one and the same, but in two parts. When those two parties gain distance, it may not be a bad thing.
In fact, probably twin flame separation can turn out to be a good thing in the end.
Coping and mending separation
Twin flame relationships are primarily a drive for growth.
It doesn’t matter how devastating the breakup is or was. There is always opportunity for personal growth and development.
The harsh truth is this: Although it could have been your twin flame, there is a possibility that the separation could become permanent.
It may not be in this lifetime, that you reconnect with your twin flame.
That is why, no matter when the reunion with you and your twin flame occurs, it is so vital to take the time to focus on yourself.
Let’s review 6 things that will help you during the separation phase
1) Work on yourself
Taking time to focus on yourself after any breakup is always a good idea.
When it comes to mending the separation between you and your twin flame, that is where you should start.
When you focus on yourself, you grow.
You’re basically getting the ball rolling, so you’re both ready to get back together.
Knowing that this might or might not happen.
Once you take the time to focus on yourself and grow as an individual, you will be ready to welcome your twin flame back.
2) Use constructive mechanisms
Dealing with your twin flame separation is one of the most difficult things you can experience. It’s like a part of you was ripped away.
Whether you are the one who chases or the one who runs away, as soon as you leave your twin, you feel their absence and feel it intensely.
Trust the journey and don’t overreact to strong feelings.
Accept them and accept yourself for feeling that despair, helplessness and grief.
Find constructive outlets for your feelings.
Facing everything that is happening constructively is one of the fastest ways to heal. It will help you deal with trauma and negative events in your life.
Maybe you like to make art or music, or write in a journal. There are so many ways to turn your distress into something constructive, something healing and beneficial.
3) Find out what he wants
One of the biggest mistakes we make in love, and frankly in many other areas, is to assume that we know what our partner wants and needs.
But, even you probably don’t know exactly what you need, do you think it’s fair to believe in assumptions?
Especially when it comes to men.
If your twin flame is a guy, there are most likely some elements of the relationship that you’re not seeing, and it could be the reason you broke up in the first place.
So instead of assuming it is better to ask. He talks honestly with your twin flame to understand what he is feeling. So they can see if there is a way to the solution.
4) Keep him in your thoughts
If you feel the strong desire to mend the separation between you and your twin flame, keep it in your thoughts.
Personally, I am a big believer that our thoughts influence the environment around us and the reality we create.
It’s an idea that has gained a lot of traction recently.
Twin flames share an unbreakable connection, one that bridges the gap between time and space. Love in general does, actually.
When you think of your twin flame, chances are they are thinking of you.
Often people dream of their twin flames, they feel them close even if they are thousands of miles away and they are always in tune with them.
Even after a separation.
Thinking of your twin flame will keep you close and help you mend the separation.
Just make sure you stay healthy about it.
Don’t think that ignoring your need to heal will be enough to bring it back.
5) Keep the lines of communication open
It may be too soon for you and your twin flame to reconnect.
Whether you’re the pursuer or the pursued, it’s important not to rush into the separation stage.
There is something that both must learn, and the re-connection will only be successful if both have grown enough.
That said, there’s nothing wrong with keeping communication open between the two of you.
Keeping that person in your life in some way will not only help you heal and deal with the sudden emptiness of losing your other half, but it will also help you reconnect when the time is right.
6) Never forget that separation will make you stronger
Separating from your twin flame will be disorienting, confusing, and extremely difficult.
Accepting that fact is where the healing can begin.
It is very important to remember that while you are separated from your twin, you grow stronger with each passing day and with each step you take to heal and learn.
The moments of solitude are those that allow us to know each other deeply.
There is no one by our side to blame or to vent our frustrations on, forcing you to face them head on.
You will be able to see very clearly what you really want without another interfering in your judgment.
You will be able to take the time to understand what caused the separation. Evaluate what role you played in it and then start to grow from…