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10+ Celebrities Who Admitted to Having “Corrected” Something That Annoyed Their Face and Don’t Regret Anything

As its name suggests, facial harmonization is an aesthetic procedure whose purpose is to leave the face in “compliance”, allowing the lips to be enlarged, wrinkles extinguished, the chin and nose “tidy”, as well as the jaw and cheekbones. as needed through this procedure.

Perhaps the main reason why it has fallen into the taste of celebrities is because all of this, most of the time, is possible without necessarily undergoing surgery, only materials such as hyaluronic acid and botox are essential.

“Correct” what bothers you; raise self-esteem; mitigate signs of aging… no matter the motivation, the important thing is to be good with yourself, isn’t it? Therefore, the awesome.club gathered transformations of celebrities who gave a “revamped” in the look and feel even more beautiful. One bonus waits for you at the end.

1. Gabi Martins

Do you remember Gabi Martins? One of the BBB20 participants, in addition to being a singer, is one of the Brazilian women who are looking for satisfaction in relation to their own body. The brunette has done everything from liposuction to facial harmonization. And she guarantees: after the procedures she was very well with herself, and is not shaken by criticism.

2. Grazi Massafera

It is probably a consensus that Grazi Massafera has always been beautiful, since the beginning of her career. After all, it is not for nothing that the blonde has already been Miss Paraná and has been in third place in Miss Brazil 2004. Despite this, the actress decided to give her look an up and, in addition to the harmonization, she underwent a procedure called “V Shape Lift”, which aims to stimulate, simultaneously, the most varied layers of our skin.

3. Naiara Azevedo

4. Rafa Kalimann

In a similar way, the former BBB and presenter Rafa Kalimann also decided to enhance her beauty, leaving the features of her face – which, according to her, “was of a child” – more symmetrical. With the procedure, the blonde even joked that her intention was, mainly, to have a “mouth”. In addition, she underwent some surgical interventions on the body, such as silicone in her breasts and liposuction.

5. Sarah Andrade

Speaking of former BBB, in the 21st edition of the reality show of the same name, Sarah Andrade won the hearts of many Brazilians with her friendliness and simplicity. Shortly after leaving the confinement, the girl was another celebrity who decided to reinforce her beauty with the procedure that aims to harmonize the features of the face; a light touch-up on the nose, the contour of the jaw and the application of botox were some of the processes to which she underwent.

6. Brunna Goncalves

Seeking her best version, the wife of singer Ludmilla, Brunna Gonçalves, also decided to change her look. The dancer underwent, in addition to facial harmonization, lipo lad, a type of liposuction that aims to highlight parts of the body, in her case, the abdomen. In an interview, she told about the feeling she had in relation to facial harmonization: “I always wanted to do it, but I was always very afraid. I didn’t know a place that gave me confidence”. Apparently, it worked out pretty well, didn’t it?

7. Gleici Damasceno

8. Juju Salimeni

Known for being part of the Legendary program team for a long time, model and reporter Juju Salimeni underwent a real transformation with facial harmonization. Having shown many times how much she cares about her body, and how much she cares for it by being vain, she has the title of “fitness muse” among netizens and is a source of inspiration for many people. “I’m loving, loving myself,” she says.

9. Flayslane (Flay)

Flayslane, who was an essential part of the 20th edition of the reality show BBB, also traced his trajectory in search of feeling better about his appearance. Opting not only for harmonization, where she moved her lips and applied botox, the singer also underwent liposuction.

“New year, new phase, and a radical change of look for my next work. After all, it’s the first of the year. I need to challenge myself, test my limits, encourage myself and get out of complacency”, he said in an interview, about the changes (including capillary).

10. Gessica Kayane

With a great inclination towards fashion and beauty, comedian Gessica Kayane, known mainly by the codename Gkay, not only admits to the aesthetic procedures she has already performed, but is vehemently proud of having done them. “I’ve done facial harmonization, botox, bichectomy. I don’t regret anything (…) I think we have to do what we want.” It’s not wrong, is it?

11. Paulinha Leite

If you follow the BBB, you are likely to remember Paulinha Leite, one of the most iconic participants of the reality show, who was part of the cast of the 11th edition. The blonde has changed a lot since her passage through the program, and she only increased her self-esteem with the aesthetic procedures. “We always think we can improve something, right? I loved the result”, she says, about the facial pairing she performed.

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Bonus: beauty icon, Cleo Pires has also undergone aesthetic procedures

Even though she is considered a true icon of beauty by many Brazilians, who said that Cleo Pires can’t do a “tweak” in her look either? The actress admitted that she had already had a rhinoplasty because she believed that the tip of her nose was too droopy, in addition to liposuction.

In an interview, he also added that he supports those who want to change something that bothers them: “I think if we don’t feel good about something, we can do something to improve it. I strongly believe in the power of choice! And we believe too, Cleo! You just got even more beautiful!

If you were curious to see more impressive aesthetic changes

The Incredible.club shows before and after images posted by people who know well: when something is not to our liking, the sacrifices to improve are always worth it. To check it out, just click here.

Are there any personal traits you would like to “refresh”? If the answer is yes, what would it be? Would you opt for facial pairing? Tell us about it in the comments!

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