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How to Reinvent Yourself and Start a New Chapter of Your Life


Free yourself!

Life is not a one-way street. No matter how far you’ve gone down a path, you can always choose another. Yes, even when you feel like you’ve been wrong beyond measure.

For most people, unfortunately, this scenario is a common one: you’re stuck in a job with no growth plan, your body looks and feels like a few pounds of butter lying on the kitchen floor, and your relationship—if any—is one. source of frustration rather than happiness. It’s what you get by taking the easy way out. I’ve done that too, so I don’t blame you.

Imagine what your life could be like if you could change direction. Would you be at the job you really enjoy? Was she experiencing the true connection of love? Would you feel good about your body looking in the mirror? Reflect on yourself finally being the person you want to be.

Stop here for a second and understand: it is possible.

Rich Roll is a living legend. He’s not just a competitor to Ultraman, he runs a wildly successful business and inspires millions of people every day – he’s done it all after being arrested and in drug rehab at age 31.

“I didn’t reach my athletic peak until I was 43. I didn’t write my first book until I was 44. I didn’t start my podcast until I was 45. At 30, I thought my life was over. At 52, I know it’s just getting started.”

Rich Roll

As someone who left his job behind to run a business and live on a beautiful island, I can say that you can’t accomplish big transformations with quick fixes.

But if you’re serious about starting a new chapter and are willing to stay consistent, here’s your guide.

SEE ALSO: Never give up on your dreams. It Will Work When The Time Is Right.

3 limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living your dreams

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

napoleon hill

In a study of more than half a million students from 72 countries, the McKinsey company found surprising insight.

The best predictor of student performance was not their socioeconomic background. It was their mindset.

A positive mindset keeps you in place and helps you get over your past self, so let go of your limiting beliefs.

1. “It’s too late to start now!”

Rich Roll’s example shows that age is just a number, so stop making excuses for yourself. Life experience, wisdom and skills are worth more than the tumultuous energy of your adolescence. A few years of dedication can change his life and give him decades of happiness.

Think of it this way: even if what you want to accomplish takes five years – when those five years are up, you will wish you had done it, no matter how old you are.

2. “It’s too difficult and risky!”

Reinventing yourself will be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, because you’ll have to kill your old identity. Your ego will use every trick to keep you from stepping out of your comfort zone.

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You will have to work hard to get what you always wanted. But you can make it happen.

3. “My current life isn’t so bad after all!”

Mediocrity is a silent killer.

Every time you’re scared to wake up for work, look enviously at another guy’s biceps, or berate yourself for not talking to the hottie at the bar, a small part of you dies. So you turn to TikTok, drugs, Netflix, and pornography to numb the pain.

Day after day, mediocrity pours poison into your bloodstream. Pulling out the needle will hurt, but you’ll feel better afterwards.

Now that your head is in the right place, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work!

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Whatever you do, keep your eyes on the trophy

Big changes come from big visions!

Martin Luther King’s dream led to the end of segregation. Elon Musk’s fantasy of humanity as an interplanetary species gave rise to space tourism. Mahatma Gandhi’s idea of ​​a free India brought the country’s independence.

Truth be told, changing your life is hard. You will want to give up. You will get lost in distractions. You will have a hard time figuring out the next steps. But with a clear vision, you always know what you’re shooting for – and you always know what’s most important.

Paint the picture of your life! Ask yourself what you really want 5 years from now. Don’t let society’s molds and limiting beliefs stop you from using the brush. If you want a hippie beach life, go for it, no matter what people say – don’t find ways to please others because you’ll only get lost.

Your life is your canvas to paint on.

What happened to you was not your fault, but how you move forward is your responsibility.

Here are some questions to get your creativity flowing:

  • Would my current life make my 80-year-old self proud?
  • What are my values? What matters to me?
  • How do I want my ideal day to be? (Do this for working and non-working days)
  • What kind of people do I want to surround myself with?
  • What would I regret not doing if I caught myself thinking about it on my deathbed?
  • If I could change anything in the world, what would it be?
  • What do I want to see when I look in the mirror?
  • What kind of person would I like to be when I die? What do I want people to say at my funeral?
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Think about these things for a while. Write down the answers. Paint a picture in your mind of what your years, your months, your weeks, your days and your life should be. Collect photos, quotes and everything that inspires you. Create your vision!

This is your north star, your compass. Whenever you find yourself at a crossroads or risk getting out of the way, look at it. Remember why this is so important.

You only get one chance to live, so create the life you want to live.


Flying gets easier when you drop the ground

The hardest part of change isn’t adopting new behaviors – it’s letting go of old ones.

If you’re used to sitting on the couch after work, you’re much more likely to skip the gym. The same goes for scrolling the news feed late at night and snoozing the alarm.

If you want to start a new chapter in your life, take an inventory of your current one. So ask yourself:

“Does this behavior, person or environment support who I want to become and the life I want to live?”

When you clean out your closet, you make room for new and better things.

This can be scary because letting go means killing a part of your identity. This isn’t about right or wrong. The friend who asks you to go to McDonald’s or watch Netflix is ​​not to blame and neither is your comfy couch. But your life is your responsibility, so you have to decide what you expose yourself to – and what is best left behind.

Don’t be afraid of the blank page – good things will come to fill it.

SEE ALSO: When You’re Afraid of Your Future, Take a Look at Your Past

If you pay the price, be sure to keep the change

Every January, an almost comical scene plays out at my gym. Hundreds of people show up there, working hard. Sweating, grunting, panting. Then they disappear like locusts, leaving barren terrain, creaking machines, and dried-up pools of sweat.

Motivation tempts you to take on everything at once. A workout every day. Two books a month. Three hours by your side every night. You burn and end up in the same place.

Motivation is a fire starter, habits are the embers that keep burning.

Where could you be in twelve months if you stayed consistent?

Don’t overload yourself. Start small. When building habits, repetitions are more important than weight.

As James Clear, author of the New York Times bestselling Atomic Habits says:

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“Standardize before you optimize.”

Over time, the many repetitions change your life and identity.

After doing a hundred exercises, you are no longer lazy.

After earning your first hundred dollars, your business no longer feels like “this will never work”.

All you need to do is stay consistent – ​​here are some golden rules to help you out:

  • Write your goals down on paper: Research shows that being specific about your new habits is twice as likely to move forward. Write down what you are going to do, when and where. Then follow along.
  • Start small: Repetitions count more, remember? As with progressive weights, start with a low-effort habit and increase it every two weeks. Make it easier for you to continue.
  • Reward yourself: Celebrate the small victories. Did you meditate this morning? Make your own favorite tea. Completed your training goals this week? Get a massage. Rewire your brain through positive reinforcement for your new behaviors.
  • Use your environment: Willpower is a finite resource, so relying on it alone sets you up for failure. Get an accountability partner for your workouts. Install an app blocker on your phone. Replace the TV remote with a book. The possibilities are endless.
  • Mix learning with practice: Read, listen and watch – but build, create and work too. Stay consistent on both. As Abu Bakr said, “Without knowledge, action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.”
  • Last but not least, think like a child: Explore. play. Try different things. Have fun with it. You are walking a new path. Happiness is in the journey, not the destination.

If it doesn’t hurt, it’s wrong!

Change always meets resistance.

“A jewel cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials”

– Seneca

When I decided to quit my job at a supermarket to start an online business, it felt like I opened the gates of hell.

My mom was freaking out because I was “throwing my life away”. My girlfriend (now wife) couldn’t understand why I was going from a “stable” job to something risky.

When trying to change, you will face resistance, especially from people who are afraid of change or are stuck in their opinions that they cannot see your own — often these are the people you trust the most.

But once you’ve made the decision, you have to keep going! You only have this life. You decide what your future will be like. So what are you waiting for?

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Chinese proverb

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