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9 things confident women do differently in their relationships


What man doesn’t love a confident woman?

A confident woman acts very differently in a relationship than someone who lacks self-esteem.

She sets herself apart from the rest — in the way she behaves, in the way she demands respect without having to declare it and knows what she wants, never changing her standards for anyone.

Read on and see 9 things confident women do differently in their relationships:

1. They aren’t constantly texting, calling, stalking on social media, etc.

You are valuable. You don’t need to be in constant contact with him to make sure he stays on your mind.

This may seem traditional and old-fashioned, but it’s not just your job to make the relationship work. That’s the job of both!

Of course, it’s okay to contact him! As the relationship progresses, all this “overthinking” should go away.


2. They know when to say “no”

It is in a woman’s nature to be kind, caring, and sensitive to the needs of others. It’s wonderful to be like that and it’s quite a quality.

However, it is extremely important not to allow yourself to be anyone’s slave and never let others ride you just because you are kind.

When you don’t want or can’t do something, you don’t have to explain yourself. You just need to gently and firmly refuse.

NEVER… NEVER allow the person you are dating to convince you to do something you don’t want to do.

3. They don’t play games

This kind of thing is for kids. If you’re the type of woman who likes to play hard to get, you’re acting immaturely.

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A wise, kind, mature and committed man will not want to be in a relationship with a woman who acts like an immature teenager.

One minute you like him, the next minute you pretend not to. Stop playing this tease game!

A confident woman knows that she is valuable and that she doesn’t need to play games to get a man’s attention.


4. They know when they’re wrong and aren’t afraid to apologize

You are a real life person and real life people make mistakes. Stop making excuses or faking your mistakes, it leads to nothing.

If you make a mistake, apologize. This is a very powerful part of every successful relationship.

If you always try to get around your apology, you will be creating a toxic habit that can damage your relationship.

Just try! She says, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake.” So let your boyfriend/husband know how wrong you were and ask if he accepts your apology.

5. They don’t procrastinate things

If he doesn’t text him right away, you don’t text him. If you have a disagreement, you treat him coldly.

You throw a past problem in his face during an argument. Sometimes you will have to show grace and forgiveness when your partner hurts you.

When you forgive someone, you don’t throw what they did in their face at a later date.

However, forgiveness doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten what they did. If you’re dating someone who does something hurtful and you forgive them, you’re not giving them permission to do it again!

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Don’t allow yourself to be used by your partner.

But if you procrastinate things with your partner, you will allow resentment and frustration to become an important part of your relationship.

6. They don’t lose their true identity

In a relationship, men can often have a dominant effect. That’s not a bad thing. It’s in the nature of many men to take the lead in the direction the relationship is going.

Everything from asking you out on a first date to asking you to marry him.

Being in love is amazing! But it’s very easy to get lost in all the feelings.

Do you put your priorities, commitments and friendships on hold and dedicate 100% of your energy to your partner?

Big mistake!

You need to know that you are two people.

You can be a team and work towards the same goals, but you need to maintain your sense of self.

Being independent and self-sufficient in a relationship is important. Your partner can be a wonderful part of your life, but it shouldn’t consume every part of you.

Keep your old friendships. Stay close to loving family members. Keep your favorite hobbies.


7. They don’t tolerate toxic habits in the relationship

If your man is doing these things below, he’s not worth your time!

  1. Flirting with other women
  2. Being overly protective of your phone
  3. Treat you differently in public
  4. Making you doubt your dreams
  5. treat you like a child
  6. Embarrassing you in public

If you’re in a relationship with someone who does any of these things, run!

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More than likely, he put the charm at the beginning. But now he is showing his true colors.

8. They don’t compare their relationship with others

Do you find yourself admiring other people’s relationships on social media?

“Wow, I wish my boyfriend would take me on dates like this!”

“Did you see the size of that engagement ring?”

“I wish he would buy me flowers like that.”

Stop this!

Most people put their best selves on social media. You don’t see the dirty dishes or the disagreements.

All you see are the romantic gestures, flowers, staged kisses and laughter — just the highlights.

When you start comparing your relationship to the moments you see on social media, you’re forgetting that their lives are probably a lot more like yours than you’re led to believe.

9. They don’t act too jealous

You don’t need to be jealous of your boyfriend/husband. You are amazing!

If you let your insecurity take over, it will make you compare yourself to other girls.

This will make you feel like other women are the enemy — when in reality, they could be fun, supportive friends.

On the other hand, he should NEVER encourage your jealousy.

Your boyfriend should make you feel secure in the relationship and never make you feel like you’re competing with another woman for your attention.

Be confident! Know your worth and stop comparing yourself to other women. Remember, confidence is sexy!


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