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Don’t run after someone who knows where to find you


Don’t run after someone who doesn’t have time for you, who only thinks about himself. You deserve someone who takes care of you completely and doesn’t make you worry about the lack of presence. You don’t deserve someone who never arrives, who feels good with the distance and who only knows how to send you messages saying he misses you, but doesn’t do anything to be close.

You deserve someone who arrives by surprise, who invades you, who knocks on your door to kill the desire to see you. You don’t deserve someone who just says he misses you but doesn’t have the ability to chase after or show that he really does.

You don’t deserve someone without surrender, someone who limits and saves himself in love. You deserve someone who gives completely today without fear of what tomorrow will mean. Love is meant to be felt, not spared. If someone saves on feeling something for you, it’s best to let it go. You deserve someone who understands you, not someone who just judges you.

You don’t deserve someone who tells you more than they do. To be quite honest, no one deserves someone who promises more than they deliver. You don’t deserve someone who only looks for you when you need it, but someone who is by your side always, even when you least need it, because those who don’t know how to take care don’t deserve to have it.


You don’t deserve someone who makes you ask to show up, who makes you beg you to stay. You don’t have to beg for anything, you deserve someone who arrives, who stays, who only leaves with a part of you inside his chest that is to, even distant, stay close.

You don’t deserve someone who pretends not to hear your calls, who doesn’t answer your questions or who always leaves your messages for later. You deserve someone who treats you with importance and who knows how to put pride aside, who cares about you and looks for you, who gives you answers and certainties and not doubts. You deserve someone who takes care of you, understands you, even when it’s hard to understand, because sometimes you can’t even understand yourself.

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You need someone who listens to your fears carefully, who gets involved with your problems and who tries to lessen the intensity of your worries just by being by your side. You don’t deserve someone to be a problem for because you already have too many. You deserve someone who is willing to do you good, to love you well.

Don’t run after anyone, especially someone who shows to live very well without you. If someone wants to be with you, you don’t have to run after that person because they will do anything to walk by your side. Run after the driver so you won’t be late for work or class, but don’t run after someone who knows very well where to find you.

If someone doesn’t deserve you, let them go. And if by chance someone you thought was worth it, let you down, let them go too. Remember that you deserve much more than mistakes or people alike. Look in the mirror when you wake up and admire the smile on your face. Smile and walk. The road is long and you don’t deserve to waste time with the wrong person at the right time. It’s much better to be alone enjoying your moment than choosing to share life with the wrong person, trust me.

If a person knows where to find you, don’t worry about running after them. What deserves to be yours will fight to never stop being.

Iandê Albuquerque


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