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100 Friendship Phrases to Honor Your Best Friends!


Friendship phrases

Friendships are sources of joy and laughter – our closest and dearest friends challenge us and encourage us to keep reaching for the stars. Friendships come in many forms as life leads us to choose different paths.

Many people who come into our lives especially remind us that finding a true friend is a blessing and friends are gifts from God. Our friendships evolve with the changing of the seasons, and childhood friends sometimes become closer than a sibling. Some of our friends become our chosen families, offering support and security. Why not celebrate your friendship by sharing one of these friendship quotes?

Tell your closest friends that they play important roles in your life with one of these friendship quotes. If you need captions for Instagram photos of the two of you having fun together, inspiration for what to write on a gift card for your best friend, or just want to send a short message that will brighten her day, read on and get some inspiration from her. our best friendship quotes.

Go straight to the point:

Short friendship phrases

True Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes for Whatsapp

Friendship Phrases for Status

SEE ALSO: 25 Good Morning Phrases for Friends.

Short friendship phrases

Friendship is a love that never dies. – Mario Quintana

While some people choose the perfect person, I choose the person who is good for me.

Friendship is love without wings. -Lord Byron

There’s only one thing better than making new friends: keeping old ones. -Elmer G. Letterman

Friendship doubles the joys and divides the sorrows. -Francis Bacon

Happy are the dogs, who by scent discover friends. -Machado de Assis

Cultivate your friendships.

The only way to have a friend is to be one. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Crises don’t push friends away. Just select.

With friends, the road is not long.

The best part of a person’s life is in their friendships. – Abraham Lincoln

Amazing people make ordinary places extraordinary.

A true friend is someone who can touch your heart even on the other side of the world.

Like your friends and forget who doesn’t deserve you!

Your friendship is golden!

Friendship is the most important ingredient in the formula of life.

Friendship is like health: we don’t realize its true value until we lose it.

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Love, friendship and understanding are enough to achieve eternal love.

When we defend our friends, we justify our friendship. -Marquis of Marica

Happiness has a name: God, family and friends.

Right or wrong, if you’re my friend, I’ll defend to the end.

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One of the joys of friendship is knowing who to trust. -Alessandro Manzoni

Friends are soul guides, cherish them.

Think of each friendship as a unique gift to you.

Good friends know your best stories. Best friends live by your side.

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True Friendship Quotes

Life becomes a better journey when we meet people as crazy as we are. -Daniel Duarte

A true friend is someone who knows everything about you and remains your friend.

Friendship is born the moment one person says to another: “What? You too? I thought I was the only one!” -CS Lewis

Friends: better few than false.

May God protect me from my friends. Enemies I take care of. – back

The happiness of a friend delights us. She enriches us. It takes nothing away from us. If friendship suffers from this, it’s because it doesn’t exist. -Jean Cocteau

Friendship is like a truck that goes downhill without brakes: it goes over everything!

Friend is something to keep under seven keys, inside the heart. – Milton Nascimento

The greatest proof of friendship is enduring a friend in love.

The true friend is not the one who breaks up a fight, but the one who already arrives in the flight.

Perfect friendship can only exist among the good. -Aristotle

Finding idiot friends like you is priceless!

Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you if I go too.

Of human loves, the least selfish, the purest and most disinterested is the love of friendship. -Cicero

Some friendships are worth it, but yours is worth a whole chicken.

Lucky are my friends. Billions of people in the world and were soon to meet me.

Love is blind, friendship closes its eyes. – Blaise Pascal

My best friend is not my brother because that would be very unfair to my mother.

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No gesture of friendship, however insignificant, is wasted. -Aesop

For every crazy idea my friend has, I’m always there to say, “Let’s go.”

Choose your friends the way your mother chooses beans when she cooks.

Friendship is like a shadow in the afternoon – it grows even with the twilight of life. -Jean de La Fontaine

Cherish friends who are always willing to have another drink with you.

Friendship is similar to good coffee; once cold, it doesn’t heat up without losing a lot of the first taste. -Immanuel Kant

Friends turn bad times into great stories about friendship and love.


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Friendship Quotes for Whatsapp

All the riches in the world are not worth a good friend. – back

True friendship is the one that allows us to talk to our friend about all his faults and all our qualities. -Millôr Fernandes

Honesty is the code for lasting friendships.

In difficult times, we find true friends.

A friend who understands your tears is more valuable than a friend who only understands your smile.

Real people are with you in the most difficult times.

Whoever finds true friendship finds a treasure for himself.

One of the best feelings in life is knowing that you can trust someone.

Hard times always reveal true friends.

A true friend will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

A true friendship is one that time does not erase, distance does not separate and evil does not destroy.

The support of genuine friendship is like a light at the end of the tunnel: it fills us with comfort and hope!

Many people have come and gone in your life over the years. But only true friends can make an impression on your mind.

Those who truly love you will be by your side no matter what.

Cherish good friends, because true friendship is a rare gift.

In friendship we find true comfort!

In order to know friends, it is necessary to go through success and misfortune. In success, we check for quantity and, in misfortune, for quality. -Confucius

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True friendship resists change, time and distance. Nothing can erase it.

Friends are for life, even if they are not by our side forever!

A Chinese legend says that true friendship is like a tree with deep roots that no wind or rain can uproot.

Friendship: A word that expresses various feelings and cannot be exchanged for anything. It must be preserved and kept in mind.

A true friend is someone who believes in you, even if you don’t believe in yourself.

Yes, friends fight, get upset and even leave. But even that is not enough to destroy that love.

There is no problem that true friendship cannot solve.

Friendship is not about who came first or who came last. It’s about who came and never left. -Tati Bernardi

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Friendship Phrases for Status

God created friendship because he knew that when love hurts, it heals.

It’s not the beautiful things that mark our lives, but the people who will never be forgotten!

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Good friends are like stars: we can’t always see them, but we’re sure they’re always there.

Alone we can even do it, but together we do better.

Love your parents, love your life, love your friends. Your parents because they are unique. Your life because it’s too short. Your friends because they are rare.

Friendship is not bought, it is found. Happiness is not found, but felt. Love is not a feeling, but a life.

The friend loves at all times; and a brother is born for trouble -Proverbs 17:17

A friend is someone who can think aloud with you.

To be together you don’t need to be close, just be in the chest.

A friend is someone who comforts you without saying a word, because his hug, his look and his presence say it all.

Don’t let life pass you by without people knowing what they mean to you.

My friend is the light that guides me. They may not know it, but I owe them every day!

It’s no coincidence that friendship and happiness rhyme!

People with true friendships are never alone: ​​true friends are always loyal, no matter the circumstances.

Each new friend we gain throughout life improves and enriches us, not so much for what he gives us, but for what he reveals to us about ourselves. -Miguel de Unamuno

The pleasure of banquets is not in the dishes, but in the friends who accompany us to the table.

For every virtue, one man is enough. For friendship, two are needed.

Friendship is neither bought nor demanded. It’s a gift that only the deserving can enjoy!

Time will pass, the years will confirm the three words I said: friend, I’m here! -Toy Story

Best friends are the ones who make your problems their problem, just so you don’t have to carry them alone.

Do you want to know who is real and who is fake? Get scared and see who will be there to hold your hand.

To this day I have not known a greater blessing than a good old friendship.

Good friendship is friendship that gives you trouble, takes the foot and knows how to be sincere. Good friendship is friendship that pulls you to reality.

And when a mountain of trouble comes your way, friendship will present you with a ladder so you can cross to the other side.

Friendship is like the stars. We don’t see them all the time, but we know they exist.

SEE ALSO: 60+ FRIEND phrases to keep on the left side of your chest

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