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93 short beautiful phrases for everyday life

The phrases for everyday life make up a selection of affirmations designed to help you establish a stronger sense of life. Thus, we propose a reflection exercise so that you can reunite with what you truly want.

Starting the morning reading optimistic phrases for everyday life can give you a boost of motivation, energy, hope and, of course, reflection. The sentences that we will present to you They develop, in short, ideas that you may have never considered before. Do you want to get up in the morning and read a quote What changes your perspective on life? Well, we have compiled the best ones that you can use for this.

The famous phrases and quotes to live day to day with optimism that we have chosen are intended to give you learning that you can use throughout the day. They are short, deep and even easy to remember. If you wish, you can use them as a mantra.or share with your loved ones so that they also reflect on his words.

The best beautiful phrases to start the day with optimism

In psychology there is a term known as self-affirmation. Alludes to the way in which subjects adapt to experiences that threaten their self-concept. As a work published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscienceself-affirmation has the potential to reduce stress, increase well-being, and mediate people to be more open to changing perspective or behavior.

In many ways, the short everyday phrases we have chosen are intended to push you into a process of reflection on your own values. Of course, You can also assume them as a playful, fun or motivating sentence to start the day. With this in mind, we leave you with a selection of the best to start the day on the right foot.

1. «Many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. (Les Brown)

Daring to dream means facing your fears. Which of your fears limits you the most?

2. «Knowledge “It has to be constantly improved, challenged and increased, or it fades away.” (Peter Drucker)

Learning is growing. Knowledge or learning that remains stagnant, sooner or later, is destined to become obsolete. One of the objectives of short positive phrases to live the day is to always encourage you to learn something every morning.

3. «The tragedy “It is not not achieving your goals, the tragedy is not having goals to achieve.” (Benjamin E. Mays)

Having a why is essential to move forward. Many times, the feeling of not moving forward is because you have no reason to do so, no action plan, or you have not established a route to get from point A to B.

4. “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” (Charles Swindoll)

What makes the difference is the way each person responds to the same reality.

5. «The pleasure at work leads to the perfection of the work. (Aristotle)

Here the questions are very simple: How much do you enjoy your work? What is the level of excellence you achieve in it? Work is part of our life, as is leisure or rest. Learning to find some enjoyment in exercising it is also important.

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6. “Whether you think you can or not, you will be right.” (Henry Ford)

The essence of what happens to us is closely related to the way we see ourselves.

7. “Indecision is the thief of opportunity.” (Jim Rohn)

Opportunities are fleeting and few. Only those who are ready to do so take advantage of them.

8. «I am not a product of my circumstances. “I am a product of my decisions.”. (Stephen Covey)

Destiny is always to be written. Every thing that has happened to you in life, and that is about to happen to you, is connected to the decisions you have made or will make.

9. «How you start your day is how you live your day. “How you live your day is how you live your life.” (Louise Hay)

Reflecting on how to start the morning is another of the goals of our short phrases for everyday life.

10. “The biggest risk is not taking any risks.” (Mark Zuckerberg)

To move forward, we have to dare. Sometimes we don’t do it because nothing is guaranteed. However, Is it worth living without taking any type of risk?

11. “People will never follow your advice, but they will be able to follow your examples”. (Anonymous)

This is one of the most interesting happy phrases for everyday life. After all, a phrase, a saying, a piece of advice or a mantra is of no use if you don’t put it into practice.

12. “I’d rather be a failure at something I like than a success at something I hate.” (George Burns)

This reflection once again refers us to the pleasure in what we do. Quite often, success and satisfaction in what you do are not always compatible. They are not, at least for certain things. The key is to choose those that allow the union of both.

13. “If you can find an unobstructed path, it’s probably not going anywhere.” (Frank A. Clark)

Life would be much easier without obstacles, but the truth is you won’t go through it without encountering them. They shape character, personality and make us who we are.

14. “Where you stumble, there is your treasure.”. (Joseph Campbell)

This is one of the most revealing everyday phrases. What is difficult for us involves learning. Of course, It all depends on how you handle life’s setbacks..

15. “I have learned that people will forget what you say and what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”. (Maya Angelou)

These words refer to a reflection on the relationship with others. It’s not so much what we say or do, but how we say and do it, which impacts those around us. Remember this.

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16. “Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

This statement leads us to think about the influence of the opinions of others. Self-concept plays a very important role in the face of the biased or malicious opinions of others.

17. “Do not seek to be successful, but to be of value to others.” (Albert Einstein)

A question appears here that can be challenging, but also fundamental: What value do others give to your presence in their lives? Because? Sometimes, the value that others give to you is proportional to what you give.

18. “The most difficult thing is making the decision to act, the rest is pure tenacity.” (Amelia Earhart)

Making a decision involves choosing one option and discarding the rest. Deciding, in principle, is easy; The complicated thing is to keep the choice firm and execute it.

19. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and achievements.” Jim Rohn.

Discipline is the ability to apply ourselves in a constant and orderly manner in a process.

20. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. (Theodore Roosevelt)

Limitations will always exist, but these are just one more incentive to overcome them.

21. «If you wait for the perfect moment to arrive, you will end up waiting your whole life. You better take what you have and start now. (George Herbert)

Perfection only lives in fantasies. It will never be the perfect time to start a relationship, a business or embark on a trip. Sometimes you can only act in a specific circumstance and, if you don’t take advantage of it, it will never come again.

22. “To achieve something you have never achieved, you will have to undertake acts you have never undertaken”. (Pedro Hernandez)

If you don’t dare to do things differently, you will never achieve real change. One more reflection of our famous phrases and quotes.

23. “The difference between the possible and the impossible is in a person’s determination.” (Tommy Lasorda)

Determination is an inner strength that leads us to persist, despite everything.

24. “The true triumph of man arises from the ashes of error.” (Pablo Neruda)

Error, well assimilated, is the seed of a truth, of a change. How do you address your mistakes?

25. “If we are growing, we will always be outside our comfort zone.” (John C. Maxwell)

Sometimes discomfort is not a sign that something is wrong, but rather that many things are changing within us. Discomfort can be an opportunity to expand the boundaries of your comfort zone.

26. «I find hope in the darkest of days, and I focus on the brightest. “I don’t judge the universe.” (Dalai Lama)

It is much easier to renege than to accept and move on. There will always be a ray of light, in the middle of the storm.

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27. “The only person you are meant to be is the person you decide to be.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

This phrase refers us to responsibility for our own actions. It is you who has the direction of your life, so the changes in it depend on the turn you give it.

28. “Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed if your goal seems too big. Focus on taking one small step at a time. (Confucius)

Without a doubt, one of the short phrases for everyday life that you should never forget. What is the small step you are going to take today to achieve your big goals?

29. “It’s never too late to be the person you could have been.” (George Eliot)

You have to see if you have remained faithful to your dreams, or at some point in your life you turned your back on them. Age and other circumstances sometimes impose limitations. However, these can often be overcome with a change in the way their impact is measured.

30. “You must do what you think you cannot do.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

After all, It is the only way to value your aptitudes, your strengths and abilities. Also, to lose the fear of doing things that you think are beyond you.

31. “We accept the love we believe we deserve.” (Stephen Chbosky)

Can you start a good day without love? Very difficult, keep in mind that the love you are willing to accept is the one you deserve.

32. «Today’s goals: coffee and kindness. Maybe two coffees, and then kindness.” (Nanea Hoffman)

For many, a day begins only with drinking coffee. If you think so, then this will be one of your favorite short everyday phrases.

33. «I get up every morning at nine and pick up the morning newspaper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I stand up. (Benjamin Franklin)

It may seem a little dark, but the truth is that it reflects a reality that most ignore: When you wake up you should celebrate the miracle of staying alive.

34. «If you are changing the world, you are working on important things. “You’re excited to get up in the morning.” (Larry Page)

The world can be changed in many ways, most of them through small actions. Even when it doesn’t seem like it, you are changing the world with your small steps.

35. “A year from now you will wish you had started today.” (Karen Lamb)

A sentence that is repeated a lot, but the truth is that it brings together a great truth.

36. “I’d rather die of passion than of boredom.” (Vincent van Gogh)

Don’t forget to start your day with a dose of passion. Use it as fuel to give you energy throughout the day.

37. “The best dreams happen when you’re awake.” (Cherie Gilderbloom)

In fact, they are…

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