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9 tips for living a simple life

1. Deactivate the autopilot

To achieve a simple way of life, away from constant restlessness and stressWe need to consider a change of attitude.

In your day to day, Stop proceeding mechanically. Brake. Take your time. Take a deep breath. Do not run.

Don’t lose your serenity. Learn to face moments of (inevitable) stress with calm and patience.

Focus on your life. Live through all your senses. Live in the present, in the now, without constantly worrying about before or after.

2. Listen to the messages of intuition

Our intuition, if we know how to listen to it, helps us to stay focused and serene.It shows us the signs, both physical and emotional, that something is wrong. It also tells us when we are in disharmony with ourselves.

Reconnect with your intuition, learn to listen to the signals of your body and your unconscious. Take time to contemplate your needs and satisfy them.

Also, help yourself with intuition to Free yourself from anger, resentment, from those external attachments that hold you back, afflict you and prevent you from living a simple life in harmony with yourself.

3. Feel with your five senses

The hectic pace of our lives takes us away from our bodies, makes us forget that we have five senses and that all of them are important to rediscover our own tempo.

We have to recover the curiosity and natural connection that we had with our bodies in childhood.

Walk observing the colorsfeeling the breeze, being aware of your movements. stop to smell the scent of morning eat enjoying of textures and flavors. Take a shower letting the water massage you. Live, slowly, through your five senses.

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4. Charge your day to day with love

Small everyday events are what make up our lives. Giving importance to each act undertaken, each movement made, each word spoken, will bring us hope and happiness.

Breakfast with your family, kissing your children, petting your dog, will nourish you and help you achieve your internal balance. These moments, not because they are daily, lose their importance; quite the oppositethe little things recharge our body with love, tenderness and harmony day by day. Life gives them to you daily.

5. Drop what you don’t need

Nowadays, people tend to accumulate. Apparently, owning many goods brings us happiness. However, do we need so many clothes, so many
gadgets, so many cars and so many accessories to be happy? Not really. Material abundance does not bring us closer to happiness. Even, sometimes, this need to buy and hoard is nothing more than the indication of our emotional deficiencies.

If we reduce our possessions, we will achieve more free space in our homes and greater simplicity in our lives. It is better to have little, useful and well chosen, than much, useless and expendable.

6. Practice technological disconnection

Since the advent of smartphones, we have lost freedom. At all hours of the day and night, notifications bombard us. We are saturated.

To achieve simplicity in our lives, it is essential to learn to disconnect from technology.

Silence your mobile at mealtimes. Do not be with your children and pending notifications. At night, turn off the screens.

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Recover activities as pleasant as reading a book, painting, knitting… Relaxing tasks that will help you calm down and find balance.

7. Create your quiet space

In a society so saturated with noise like ours, not everyone manages to be and remain silent; however, its benefits are many and valuable. Silence offers us calm, stillness, rest, connection with our interior.

Create a corner for serenity in your home and use it daily. And in those moments of silence, free your mind from worries. If you think of something, let it go, focus on the silencein the serenity that it brings you, in the calm that invades you.

8. Choose nutritious relationships

Reducing our material belongings gives us physical and mental freedombut we can also apply the same criteria with our relationships,
reducing those social obligations that saturate us emotionally.

If you don’t feel like it, You don’t have to meet everyone. Simplify your social contacts. Visit the people who make you feel good, enjoy long after-meal chats with those who nourish you emotionally and intellectually. In love and sex, look for a person(s) with whom to maintain a relationship of complicity and equality, away from the complex and tortuous.

9. Follow the rhythm of nature

What better way to recover a simple life than by turning our eyes towards nature. For thousands of years, the human being lived immersed in natural rhythms that transmitted calm and plenitude.

Take your time to observe and integrate in the rhythm of the woods, of the beach, of the park. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the solemnity of the trees, the harmony of the birds or the cadence of the waves of the sea.

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Like them, you can live simply without continually feeling anxious. You are designed for it, it is in your hand.

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