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81 “random” questions to surprise

Do you want to surprise someone and challenge their wits? This list of random and unexpected questions will allow you to have fun and get to know each other better.

Do you need some questions random to surprise someone? Here you have them. Because the art of the unexpected and surprise is a sensational way to connect with a person, to challenge them and place them in innovative spheres with which to sharpen ingenuity, inventiveness and response capacity.

With this list we assure you that laughter and good times will be a constant. From the field of psychology, we know that this set of random issues brings out the true essence of the person.

And when we catch someone unexpectedly and expect a quick response, it is very difficult for the lie to emerge. You will, therefore, discover the most genuine side of your friend, family member or partner.

You look at these questions random ideal to surprise

Surprise is one of the most enriching emotions in the human record. It is a neutral state that can oscillate at moments between joy and confusion, between happiness or fear, but it is still essential because it is associated with novelty. Sometimes exposing ourselves to things we don’t expect helps us get to know ourselves better.

Therefore, this set of questions randomwill allow you and the person to whom you ask it to delve much better into yourselves.

The key, the secret and the way to give greater intensity and fun to this list is that the answers are quick. We must be sincere and say what comes to mind.

1. If you had the attention of the entire world and all its millions of inhabitants, what message would you give them?

It is important to be sincere and also be able to think of a truly inspiring message.

2. What is the last thing you photographed on your mobile?

To your pet, a selfie or a dawn. Don’t hesitate to find out what the last photograph that person has taken is.

3. Imagine that you had a lot of money, but you still choose to continue working. What job would that be?

Working out of simple passion, dedicating part of the day to a type of task that enriches us on an emotional level. If we had that unusual opportunity, what job would it be?

4. What do you have in the fridge right now?

Maybe that friend or person to whom you ask this list of questions random be someone foresight. One of those personalities who always have a refrigerator full to the top. It’s also possible that you don’t even know what’s in your refrigerator, because that’s what your partner or family takes care of. Don’t hesitate to find out!

5. If you could “de-invent” anything, what would it be?

The atomic bomb, dynamite, pepper spray or irons. There are many things that are harmful (or that we hate) in our world.

6. What is the last thing you gave like on your social networks?

A photo, a piece of news, or a comment that you agreed with in a publication. What have you given like That friend, family member or partner to whom you ask these questions?

7. How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Let’s look to the future, let’s venture to imagine what will become of us in a while.

8. When was the last time you said, “See? I told you!”

Few things are more comforting than discovering that we are right about something we already predicted.

9. What is the mania that you don’t want to correct in your personality?

Biting your nails, drinking from a bottle and never from a glass, accumulating all the dirty dishes of the day and washing up at night or never making your bed… What hobbies would that person to whom you ask these questions not give up?

10. When was the last time you were gossiping and found something you didn’t want?

Among the questions random To surprise someone, this can be one of the most uncomfortable to remember.

11. Do you love your pets more than a family member?

Most of us have a family member who has always been as uncomfortable as we have found unfriendly.

12. What, according to you, would be the best thing about losing your sense of smell?

Surely there are countless unpleasant odors that we would avoid if we lacked a sense of smell.

13. What movie does almost everyone admire and you would never watch again?

Titanic, The Lion King, Star Wars, The Avengers, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows… We all have one of those top-grossing movies that everyone loves and that we hate.

14. If you could only say one word today, what would it be?

Peace, love, friendship, pizza or sleep. Which one would that person to whom you pass this set of questions choose? random to surprise?

15. What charitable cause, in your opinion, should receive the most funding?

Talking about humanitarian aspects is always an interesting topic of conversation.

16. What is the first thing you notice when you meet a person?

We are all attracted to certain things when we meet or meet someone. Why not ask it?

17. If you could lock anyone in the public in a mental institution, who would it be?

There are many public figures on this planet who, for various reasons, should be in an institution.

18. What worries you the most?

Knowing what worries the person in front of you is always important. Investigate that concern that has been bothering you recently.

19. What was the best thing about your childhood?

Most of us have a valuable childhood memory that we like to share.

20. What do you think of censorship? Do you think it should be applied at some point?

Let’s get a little more transcendent and surprise the other person with this question that always brings up debate.

21. Is there anyone you would like to get back in touch with?

Childhood friends, couples from the past… Those who, more or less, miss a person from their past.

22. What sound do you find incredibly pleasant?

The sound of the rain, the wind, the coffee maker in the morning, the sound of the car as we drive down a lonely road…

23. What animal would be the most terrifying to you if it could talk?

What would elephants say if they could talk? Let’s think about it. It is entertaining to appeal to these questions with a crazy touch.

24. If you could be an animal for a day, what animal would you be?

Maybe we would like to run like gazelles, be elegant like peacocks or fly like eagles, who knows?

25. What habit do you have now that you wish you had started much sooner?

Running, eating a healthier diet… I’m sure that person to whom you are asking these questions random To surprise you, you have introduced a very positive habit into your routine.

26. What celebrity from the history of science or art would you have liked to meet?

This is undoubtedly an interesting question to get to know a person better and surprise them.

27. Have you already found the love of your life?

Fate may have been kind to that friend or family member to whom you are asking these questions and they already have that special person by their side.

28. Do you believe in love at first sight?

It is a good question to think about the way in which we have constructed the different ideas we have about love.

29. What series are you watching now?

The world of series is now part of our daily lives. This is definitely a good topic of conversation.

30. Where would you prefer to live: in a zoo or an amusement park?

Among the questions random To surprise, these are undoubtedly a classic. Surely the argument gives rise to an extensive conversation.

31. What is the opposite of a politician for you?

It is always interesting to ask questions that on the surface seem absurd. It is a way to challenge the ingenuity of whoever is in front of us.

32. What power would you like to have, to be invisible or to make everyone you touch tell you the truth?

This is a question that well deserves a moment of reflection. Don’t hesitate to know what that person answers.

33. According to you, what makes someone a hero?

What are real heroes like and how are they created? This is definitely a good topic of conversation.

34. When was the last time you yelled at someone?

Who more and who less has a moment in which patience fades. When would be the last moment and the reason why that person yelled at another?

35. If you were to build a themed hotel, what would be the central theme and what would the rooms be like?

Who wouldn’t like to set up a hotel decorated like our favorite movie? Don’t hesitate to find out what the other person responds.

36. Finish the sentence: what I would never do at night is…

Among the questions random To surprise, these types of proposals can never be lacking.

37. What do you think about Elon Musk’s project to colonize Mars?

Talking about Elon Musk and his revolutionaries is always interesting. These kinds of topics give a lot of fabric to cut.

38. What, according to you, are you terribly bad at?

Cooking, ironing, driving, speaking in public, doing crafts… Those who are more or less are not very skilled at any task.

39. What would you like to pass on to your grandchildren tomorrow?

It doesn’t matter that the person to whom you ask these questions random To surprise you, he tells you that he does not expect to have grandchildren. The important thing is to reflect on these questions.

40. Tell me something you’ve tried and would never try again

This question requires a bit of retrospect. Maybe there is more than one thing… Take advantage and tell what you wouldn’t want to try again.

41. If you made a living from art, what type of works would you create?

Realism, abstract art, painting, photography or even writing. There are many forms of art capable of reflecting our concerns.

42. What is the best thing about getting older for you?

We know that the process of getting older is not comfortable for anyone. That’s why, It is good to reflect on those enriching aspects of the passage of time itself.

43. What qualities must someone have to be your worst enemy?

Once again, we try to turn all the issues around. We are all clear about what good friends are like. But, What bad virtues must the worst ex-friends have to be one?

44. What brand are you loyal to?

Brands of clothing, food, technology, etc. There is always one who will not be betrayed for anything in the world.

45. What would you rather have, unlimited sushi for life or your favorite pizza forever?

The person you ask these questions to random Surprisingly, is it more Asian or Italian food?

46. ​​What do you do on your gray days and low mood?

Who more and who less has learned to survive the gray days. Some listen to music, others talk to someone and many just reflect on those moments and wait for the fog to clear.

47. Who do you love more: your father or your mother?

This is one of the most classic (and uncomfortable) questions when it comes to surprising someone.

48. Where are you no longer welcome?

There are many places where we are no longer welcome: jobs, friends’ houses or ex-partners…

49. If you could change one thing about your education, what would it be?

50. How do you think climate change will affect us in the next 10 years?

Surely the person to whom you ask these questions random Surprisingly, he has an opinion on the subject.

51. When do…

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