Quick, powerful spells should be an essential part of the witch toolkit. One of our favorite herbs for quick spells is bay laurel! Bay leaf, known to us as wishleaf, is an incredible herb for manifesting spells. Check out our full Materia Magicka on Bay Laurel’s magical properties!
We most know this plant as the Wealth Plant and the Desire Plant. Bay leaf wishing magic is a popular phrase! But we know you have a question: how do you use bay leaves in spells? Hold on tight as we give you the top 10 ways to use bay leaves in spells! As with all spells, you should cast them in sacred space and within a circle of protection.
8 Quick Bay Leaf Spells
- Prosperity: Write “Prosperity” on a bay leaf in gold ink. Burn the bay leaf.
- Protection: In addition to sage, burn bay leaves during a sacred space purification.
- fulfill wishes: Hold a bay leaf and channel your desire into the leaf. burn the leaf.
- Ghost Exorcism: Burn bay leaves as harmful, unwanted energies are expelled.
- Psychic development: Increase astral projection and psychic dreams by adding the leaves to your pillowcase.
- Success: Wear or deck yourself in these laurels just as the ancient Romans did after winning battles.
- Boosts Healing: Wear laurels when performing any type of healing to make your healing take effect faster and more powerfully.
- Reduce stress: Crush bay leaves with a mortar and pestle and sprinkle the powder onto a charcoal tablet for instant stress relief incense.
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