Learning philosophy through documentaries is a great alternative to reading books or a complement to clarify dark ideas. We present a selection of audiovisuals that you can enjoy right now.
Maybe we do not have enough time to read philosophical books, but we are interested in learning about this discipline. Due to this, this article will present an alternative to approach it. These are philosophy documentaries that explore, through audiovisuals, its most fundamental questions.
In these documentaries the voices of great contemporary philosophers will be brought forward, such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Žižek. Likewise, we will not forget the beginning of everything: Greek philosophy, from the hand of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. The list does not end here, keep reading to find out what other options are on the web.
Why watch philosophy documentaries?
Documentaries have the vivid power to impact with their images and dialogues. In this aspect, seeing knowledge in movement provides another relationship with it. As stated in a study of documentary philosophy published in Rebellion, Its production is much more than a simple film or video.
We are facing a concrete creation that deliberately decides to show a portion of reality. In this sense, we could ask ourselves what philosophy documentaries seek to expose us to.
They are a source to renew debates and dialogues that are sometimes dormant. Its objective, precisely, is to make itself known to raise new questions in the viewer. Without further ado, we suggest you watch the audiovisuals that we recommend below.
1. Human, too human
The documentary exposes the philosophical current known as existentialism through three great figures: Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre. The latter considered that existence is independent of the circumstances of our life. Thus, it appeals to infinite and unlimited freedom.
Produced by the BBC, This audiovisual, through various guest voices, outlines a debate around existentialist philosophical concepts. If you want to delve into the knowledge of existentialism, this documentary is for you. Look it here!
2. Žizek!
Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher who had great impact at the end of the 20th century. His philosophy combines critical Marxism of capitalism with psychoanalysis. In this documentary the viewer will delve into the personality and ideas of Žižek.
Some of its themes are ideologies, beliefs, love, revolution and the paradox of world perception. The material includes lectures by the philosopher with interviews conducted with him face to face. If you want to delve into Žižek’s thinking, this is a great way to do it.
3. Great Documentaries: Greek Philosophy
It wouldn’t be a list of philosophy documentaries if we didn’t go back to the beginning of everything, that is, to ancient Greece. If you are interested in knowing the pillars of Western thought, this is the documentary. It presents the philosophies of Aristotle, Socrates and Plato, through the explanation of the Spanish philosopher and essayist Fernando Savater.
4. The pre-Socratics
Anyone who wants to enter the world of philosophy must know its origins in ancient Greece. This documentary presents the so-called pre-Socratic philosophers, named after their appearance before Socrates.
So A chronology and explanation of these thinkers is made, starting with the Ionians of Thales of Miletus, Anaximander and Anaximenes. And then, passing through the well-known Parmenides and Heraclitus.
5. Marx and his heirs
The audiovisual combines the history and philosophy of Karl Marx, a 19th century German philosopher and economist. He is considered as the first economist who realized what was driving the economic world of his time.
Marx’s importance today is undeniable, as he became an icon of current revolutionary movements. This way, The documentary exposes his theories and their repercussions at different times in recent history.
6. Great documentaries: Nietzsche and Heidegger
These great thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries have generated a lot of controversy with their ideas. The documentary reviews the life and work of Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger and their influences on the contemporary world.
On the one hand, the daring Nietzsche was in charge of enunciating the destiny of human beings for the coming centuries: overcoming the nihilism in which they found themselves. For his part, Heidegger is considered the most important German philosopher of the 20th century, crowned with his book The being and the time.
7. Examined life
This philosophy documentary, whose title in English is Examined life, presents the ideas of contemporary philosophers in an original format. Among them are Judith Butler, Martha Nussbaum, Slavoj Žižek, to name a few.
The objective of the documentary is to immerse the viewer in deep questions about life and the world around us. For this reason, philosophers are filmed while walking through the streets, giving a philosophical touch to the work itself.
8. Simone de Beauvoir: one is not born a woman
This is a documentary that values the figure of the philosopher and commemorates the publication of one of the best-known books by the author Beauvoir: The second sex. In it, Simone studies what it means to be a woman. To do this, take a tour through biology, sociology, history, among other disciplines. You can see the documentary here.
His conclusion is that women are a by-product of historical, cultural and social events. That’s where his famous phrase comes from: You are not born a woman, you become one. Furthermore, it defines them as the other, a negative alterity compared to the positivity of man, as expressed in an article in the magazine Saitabi.
Philosophy in motion
We present to you a compendium of philosophy documentaries that explore various currents and concepts through the voices of their own authors. From the ancient discipline to contemporary times, you have a wide range to start your philosophical path.
Thus, You will learn philosophy in an enjoyable and fun way, since these are educational and clear documentaries. You can complement them with reading their authors, to deepen the topics.
Discover these 7 YouTube channels to learn philosophy that bring you closer to its history, thinkers and currents of thought Read more “