You can have all the flaws in the world, but you’re still better than the rest of the world.
Over time we learn that attention, affection and blush have to be in the right measure. Otherwise, we’re just a clown.
A million times zero is zero! That is, don’t put your intensity where there’s nothing
If it’s good for you, why give up?
I also learned that as much as you want someone very much, no one is worth it so much that you stop wanting yourself.
40 Paulo Coelho phrases that will make you reflect
At least my past only condemns me. And yours that holds you?
I am an endangered species: I believe in people.
People are interesting only in my imagination. From the moment they take on a life of their own, I feel like throwing them out my window.
You know that super balanced woman? Who never charges you anything? Super safe, not jealous and calm? She has another.
We have a geographic problem. You want to hug the world and I would be happy to hug you.
51 phrases by Caio Fernando Abreu to move your heart
Being with someone wrong is double remembering the lack of someone right.
Things are as they are. On the right time.