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7 reasons why you’re itchy down there –

Even though it’s a subject that few people are willing to talk about, almost everyone has had it. yes, the itch boring down there (whether in the vulva, vagina or pelvis region), has numerous causes. And most times it can be avoided with simple habits. “Correct hygiene after changing pads It is sexual relationsproper use of soaps for the region (which have a slightly acidic pH), avoiding intimate showers and excessive ingestion of sugar these are some precautions that we must adopt”, says gynecologist Fernanda Torras Correia, an obstetrician and mastologist specialist for the Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics and the Brazilian Society of Mastology.

But after all, what could be causing the nuisance? Although it is essential to visit your doctor in all cases, we have listed, with the help of Fernanda Torras, 7 reasons for vagina itch:

1 – Candidiasis

All healthy female organs contain the fungus candida albicans in small quantities. The problem is that, in some cases, it can proliferate in excess and generate candidiasiswhich is accompanied by symptoms such as vaginal inflammation, burning, itching and a whitish secretion. So pay attention. Candidiasis tends to appear due to the use of damp underwear, stress, high-sugar diets and antibiotic abuse.

2 – Allergies

“Vulvar or vaginal itching, without signs of secretion, inflammation and infection (even after gynecological clinical examinations have been carried out) can be associated with allergic processes”, explains the gynecologist. Many people are sensitive to intimate soaps, powdered soap, pads and even condom, you knew? If that’s your case, you’ll need to investigate the reason for your itch. And immediately discontinue contact with him.

3 – STDs

Fernanda claims that although candidiasis is the main cause of genital itching (and it is not an STD, see?), sexually transmitted diseases also cause the nuisance down there. Some examples are genital herpes, chlamydiatrichomoniasis and even the HPVwhich is accompanied by small warts.

4 – Clothes that are too tight

The condition worsens on warmer days. This is because the fabric muffles the region, favors sweating and increases the local temperature. And you probably already know: hot and humid places favor the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

5 – Changes in the pH of the region

Yes, our vagina has its own pH, which is altered by factors such as soap, inadequate hygiene, food factors and tiredness. “The lack of control of the vaginal flora can come from a proliferation of fungi (pH more acidic than normal) or bacterial (pH more alkaline than normal)”, says the doctor. In both cases, there is the appearance of itching.

6 – Semen allergy

Hey? Is it really possible? “Yes, it can happen, although it is rare. It is more common in women with a previous history of allergies, rhinitis It is asthma”, explains Fernanda. And the most frequent symptoms are itching where there was contact with semen, redness, local secretion, burning, and, in some women, even swelling and bumps on the skin.

7 – Contraceptives or hormonal changes

People who are entering or have already entered the menopause feel more itchy due to the lack of the hormone estrogen in the body. This is because the low amounts of the substance in the body make the skin thinner, more sensitive and susceptible to infections. “O premenstrual periodl it is the most acidic of the cycle, and can cause candidiasis and itching. Some pills can also generate symptoms depending on your estrogen dose.”

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