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7 memorable phrases by Antonio Gramsci

In Antonio Gramsci’s phrases we not only find orderly and profound thought, but also passionate and poetic. He was one of those intellectuals who knew how to fill his ideas with content through concrete facts.

Antonio Gramsci’s phrases have a very particular charm. Almost all of them bring together some politics, some philosophy and some more poetry.. In reality, his sentences are a good representation of what he was: a multifaceted, comprehensive and passionate intellectual.

A good part of Antonio Gramsci’s phrases, and his work in general, were written in prison. He arrived there due to the political persecution imposed on him by Benito Mussolini and Italian fascism. To achieve his conviction, the prosecutor in the case used this phrase: “For twenty years we have to prevent this brain from working”.

Educate yourselves, because we will need all our intelligence. Get excited, because we will need all our enthusiasm. Get organized, because we will need all our strength”.

-Antonio Gramsci-

This man, deformed physically due to a hump and socially excluded due to his poverty, he was one of the most important intellectuals in Italy. in the 20th century. He was a convinced communist, but his thoughts were also universal. This is captured in several of Antonio Gramsci’s phrases set out below.

1. The intellectual’s error

One of the great points of interest for Gramsci was the topic of intellectuals and their role in society. In this regard he points out in one of his sentences: “The error of the intellectual consists of believing that one can know without understanding and, especially, without feeling and being passionate”.

He was against anyone who became an intellectual out of pure desire for enlightenment or simple pedantry. He believed, however, that intellectuals They had to put themselves at the service of those who had less access to the world of ideas. And this was only achieved when there was true passion to understand and act.

2. Between the old and the new world

This is one of those phrases by Antonio Gramsci that have something enigmatic and, at the same time, a prophetic tone. He says: “The old world is dying. The new one takes a while to appear. And in that chiaroscuro monsters arise”.

Actually, the transition times in history they usually give rise to great chaos and uncertainty, since the old coexists with the new, without either of the two realities being able to impose itself on the other. In these conditions the perverse is often born.

3. A false originality

Gramsci was a revolutionary through and through. Not for nothing did he die in prison, amidst great humiliation, but keeping his convictions firm.. In one of his phrases he warns about false rebellion and false originality.

The phrase says: “It is too easy to be original by simply doing the opposite of what others do; this is just mechanics”. Just as opposing everything does not necessarily mean being oppositional, doing the opposite of what is usual does not mean being singular either.

4. One of Antonio Gramsci’s phrases about cultural power

This is one of Antonio Gramsci’s phrases that best summarizes his thoughts. He points out: The conquest of cultural power is prior to that of political power and this is achieved through the concerted action of the so-called ‘organic’ intellectuals. infiltrated in all media, expression and universities”.

Unlike other Marxists of his time, Gramsci gave enormous value to the cultural issue, more than the economic or political one.. In fact, his contributions served to found a democratic communism, which later became known as “Eurocommunism.”

5. The dead weight of history

When we talk about “dead weight” what we are referring to is what is there simply to make the load more tortuous. Something that is carried like a burden, without transporting it from one place to another providing anything worthwhile.

In relation to this, one of Antonio Gramsci’s phrases says: “Indifference is the dead weight of history”. It means that we move forward in time against that lack of commitment and awareness that hides behind the action, or inaction, of the indifferent.

6. Lament about enemies

In this phrase, Antonio Gramsci shows off his common sense and also a certain touch of mischief. He points out: If an enemy hurts you and you complain, you are stupid, because the enemy’s thing is to hurt.”.

This phrase seems tailor-made for those who are very sensitive to trolls or social media troublemaker, nowadays. It is obvious that What should be expected from a contradictor or an enemy is little empathy and very little consideration..

7. The essence of all war

This is a wonderful phrase by Antonio Gramsci, which summarizes a very deep analysis. He says: “Every war has always been a war of religion”. In that statement a great truth is condensed, which was and continues to be valid and universal.

In this case he does not speak of religion as a specific belief, but as an attitude. Religious thought is based on dogma and dogma breaks dialogue. War takes place when dialogue becomes impossible.

Antonio Gramsci was only 46 years old when he died, mistreated and suffering from tuberculosis. which afflicted him for several months. By then he had already written his Prison notebooksa wonderful work, not only philosophical, but also literary, which is always worth rereading.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Fiori, G. (2014). Life of Antonio Gramsci. Social Conflict, 7(11).

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